Travelling independently and living across the Atlantic can be challenging. (Especially if it’s your first time like mine.) Here are quick tips and reminders:
First, do not forget to get a new sim card or switch to an international plan. Vodafone will be you best friend. It’s located on Market Street right in the center of town.
Check in on your medical history and update any prescriptions. Ordering a supply for a nine month period can alleviate any stress of accessing them later on. Scotland provides free healthcare with an emergency room located within the city. I broke my foot during the Spring and I felt very accommodated with a short wait period.
Routinely check your emails from HC and the university. In the Spring, you’re still responsible for picking your courses and housing situation.
If you love coffee, like I do, try the Pret subscription. You get 5 drinks a day and it refreshes 30 minutes after a use. My go-to order is a hot caramel latte.
Expect the weather to be overcast and rainy. You end up appreciating the sun so much more. As a New Englander you won’t be surprised by this, but the rain is a lot heavier. So, maybe bring an umbrella or water-resistant jacket.
Your mental well-being is very important! For many, this will be the first time you’re traveling away from home and experiencing a full year in solitude. The community here is very strong with different areas of interest. As I reflect on my time, joining Amnesty International, HASTA, and attending Fresher events opened me to new friendships. Make sure your therapist can also access you through Telehealth! Develop coping mechanisms are crucial in establishing healthy habits. As a C.O.P.E peer educator, you can always reach out to CAPS and use the OASIS app.
Remember to check in on your parents/guardians and tell them you love them.
I hope you have a great time and congratulations on your acceptance to St Andrews! Please feel free to contact me, I can be reached at