Hello everybody! I hope you all had an amazing week, I know I did!
At the end of last week to kick off the beginning of December, I had to complete a class test for my Viking World in Ireland class. Considering there are not a lot of examinations for the classes, there was a lot of material to study and prepare for the test, but it’s not too bad considering the course materials you have to choose from are incredibly interesting.
After the test was done I got to have the ultimate “work hard play hard moment” filling my week with travel and adventures to finish off my study abroad experience and having so many cultures and countries within arm’s reach.
A friend and I traveled to France, where we spent two days touring the Christmas markets of beautiful Strasbourg and striding along the Champs Elysees in Paris. I had never been to France before, and taking a break from seeing all these amazing sites at a cute little cafe with a hot chocolate was the perfect way to release stress from my test, and prepare for the exam season ahead of me.

Directly after this trip, I spent two days by myself in Copenhagen, Denmark, exploring all the beautiful castles and palaces. I even took the train to Malmo, Sweden, which is only a short 40-minute ride away. If you choose to study abroad, I would highly encourage you to take some time to go on trips by yourself if you are able, because I’ve found I learn a lot about myself and do a lot of introspection, as well as discover my strengths and weaknesses in a completely foreign scenario.

Now, back in my abroad city of Cork, I am finishing up some final assignments and preparing for my exams in the coming week. After taking a few days to relax and explore new places, I feel ready to lock back into my studies and finish the semester strong!