I am ready for you, Argentina

¡Hola! Or should I say, ¡Che! We are just about two weeks away from the beginning of this adventure, life in Buenos Aires. Everyone prepares for these big changes differently, while some throw up their hands and leave it to the universe, others make color-coordinated spreadsheets. While I typically would resort to the latter, I find myself somewhere in the middle. I think I am already starting to adopt the laid-back Argentine approach, and I honestly feel relieved.

I have been in contact with the university abroad, but I don’t have a course schedule yet as the enrollment process is a contrast to what we are used to. Students research the courses they are interested in, attend various lectures for a two-week trial period, and then meet with the professors to commit. Moreover, I have recently met my host mom virtually and she is amazing! I am curating a gift for her that reminds me of home, including a Holy Cross postcard featuring a painting of campus, a dish towel with the Boston skyline, and some Asian goodies.

At this point the bulk of the preparation is done so these last few weeks I am soaking in moments with family and friends. Of course, I also have to pack, more on that next week. With respect to what I am most looking forward to, I would say being immersed in the language. I love catching a glimpse of the Spanish-speaking world through media and I can’t wait until it is my reality. As I have never left the country before much less on my own, I am eager to experience everything, even the fourteen-hour flight.