English & Art History Major Pursues Career in Investor Relations

My name is Audrey (Qianqian) Wang ‘25 and I am a rising sophomore at Holy Cross, majoring in English and Visual Art History with a Certificate in Business Fundamentals. This summer I am an office intern at the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society. Some of my responsibilities include digitizing the Center’s files, drafting promotional materials, and identifying statistics to support the College’s celebration of coeducation next academic year.  

Earlier this summer I participated in the Fullbridge Professional Edge Program, a weeklong intensive, virtual program (online due to a COVID-19 surge) designated to pave the way for Holy Cross students to succeed in the demanding business world. Since its founding in 2011, the Fullbridge program has been uniquely positioned to help aspiring individuals at every level bridge the knowledge and skills gap with immersive, affordable training, reaching over 350,000 learners worldwide. Born into a business family in a metropolitan, fast-paced Chinese city and growing up in both Massachusetts and China, I felt the Fullbridge program has empowered me to step out of my comfort zone. I can now confidently analyze the discrepancies between Chinese and American business cultures.

The majority of my cohort were also first-year students exploring business. On the first day of the program, I was immediately fascinated by the face-paced yet highly interactive learning environment made possible by experienced coaches and passionate participants. We built relationships through daily virtual webinars, Zoom office hours, and breakout room discussions. Additionally, it was a great opportunity to make new friends on campus who share the same passion. 

We developed skills like data analysis, business IQ, design thinking, emotional intelligence, real-world problem solving, idea flow, and situational awareness which all matter to organizational excellence, test decisions made under pressure, and correlate with outstanding performance.

Continue reading “English & Art History Major Pursues Career in Investor Relations”

Fenwick Scholar Awarded to Certificate in Finance & Banking Student

Fenwick Scholar Max Hendrix 23

Fenwick Scholar:  Max Hendrix ’23

Studies: Philosophy,  Economics, Certificate in Finance & Banking

Advisors: Prof. Karsten Stueber, Philosophy &  Prof. Kolleen Rask, Economics

Project: Max will undertake a philosophical analysis of human agency under rational choice theory – the theory in mainstream economics that human beings are fundamentally rational and use this rationality to recognize and pursue goals that align with their own self-interest.  Rational choice theory can be useful for its powerful predictive abilities, but contemporary work in both behavioral economics and social psychology have recently begun to critique these assumptions and question the limits of this theory.  Max would like to approach the question from a philosopher’s perspective, particularly those philosophers who emphasize the intrinsically social nature of humans.  Of interest, for example, is Adam Smith’s often overlooked belief that empathy if a fundamental part of our human agency.

Congratulations to Max Hendrix ’23,  a double major in philosophy and economics pursuing a Certificate in Finance & Banking, for receiving the Fenwick Scholar.   This award is the highest academic award that the College bestows. With advisors, the Fenwick Scholar designs a program of independent research or a project that will complete their undergraduate education in the most challenging, creative, and meaningful way.

Thomas Cotter 17 and Brendan Quinn 06 Advocate for Learning and Discovery

Headshots of one students and two alumni.

Welcome to Season 3 of the Mission Driven Alumni Podcast!  New episodes will be released throughout the spring and summer of 2022.

In this episode, Conor Joslin ’23 interviews Thomas Cotter ’17 and Brendan Quinn ’06.  Thomas and Brendan met while Thomas was a student at Holy Cross. Their professional journeys converge thanks to the app INDX, a startup co-founded by Thomas and funded by Brendan. Through INDX, they hope to channel their energy and create a product that fosters learning, discovery and growth for all. True entrepreneurs at heart, they show us what’s possible when you take a problem and focus your efforts on finding a solution.

Interview originally recorded in March 2022.


Chris Man ’00 is Passionate Advocate for Better Business and Greater Good


Mission Driven Podcast Season 3 Episode 1 Welcome to Season 3 of the Mission Driven Alumni Podcast!  New episodes will be released throughout the spring and summer of 2022.

The first episode of season 3 features a conversation with Chris Mann ’00.  Chris has built his career around making a difference in the lives of others.  He’s joined in conversation with JP Cunningham ’23.  They discuss Chris’ time at Holy Cross and how he has carried the HC mission to serve others throughout his life and career.

Listen to the interview with Chris Mann ’00, VP & Head of Community Affairs at Bain Capital, by JP Cunningham ’23, fall 2021 Ciocca Center intern. 

Interview originally recorded in November 2021.

Business Social on the Hoval Celebration

Students with Professor

There is a growing number of students on the hill pursuing business. This year the Ciocca Center awarded 82 Certificates, up from 64 last spring.  To celebrate this milestone, and the retirement of Prof. David Chu, the campus community was invited to the inaugural Business Social on the Hoval held on Monday, May 2 from 1-3pm.

Business Certificate Program graduates were invited to pick up their hard copy certificates and graduation pins.  Underclassmen interested in learning more about the program were encouraged to chat with Ciocca Center staff for more information and to register for a Business Certificate Program.

Faculty and students took this opportunity to meet up with other Business Certificate Program students, recharge before finals and say goodbye to Prof. Chu before retirement at the end of the academic year.

Everyone enjoyed delicious food truck fare with Mrs. Moriconi’s Ice Cream and Say Cheese!  A number of students lined up to get their professional headshots taken, and others mixed with peer Business Certificate Program students under the tents.  It was a celebratory afternoon and we look forward to doing it again next spring!

Open Letter to Business Certificate Program Graduates

Dear Business Certificate Program graduates, 

Congratulations! After years of workshops, tutorials, internships, coursework, and job shadowing experiences, we are proud to name you as a graduate of the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at the College of the Holy Cross.  

As a graduate, you are among a select group of students who will be receiving a Certificate in Business Fundamentals, Certificate in Entrepreneurship, and/or Certificate in Finance & Banking. 

While others were vacationing, you had decided to immerse yourself in business, expose yourself to new concepts, build transferable skill sets, and network with successful alumni in the field. This dedication has made all the difference.  Your liberal arts education from Holy Cross has equipped you with the skills to communicate effectively, problem solve, and think critically – the soft skills you can’t learn on the job. To complement this, your business certificate will be a differentiator in the job market and has provided you with competitive technical skills. Take this opportunity to appreciate all that you have accomplished. 

The journey from Holy Cross is a shared experience – past, present and future. Much like the time you spent with alumni professionals, our hope is to one day welcome you back to campus to speak with current students.  Your story will be one others can relate to because you have chosen to achieve both your academic interests and unique career goals. We are extremely proud of you and your pursuits, and wish you the best as you embark on your next journey!

Please be sure to stop in Stein 129E to pick up your hard copy certificate, graduation pin and say farewell.  

Congratulations again on this tremendous achievement and please stay in touch,

Prof. David Chu, Cassie Gevry, Prof. Ja-Naé Duane & Kathy Kinnarney
Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society
Continue reading “Open Letter to Business Certificate Program Graduates”

Prof. David Chu Announces Retirement After 31 Years

David Chu, associate professor of accounting and director of the College’s Carlyse and  Arthur A. Ciocca ’59 Center for Business, Ethics, and Society has announced that he will be retiring at the end of this academic year, closing a 31-year career at Holy Cross.

Chu joined the Holy Cross faculty in 1991 and was promoted to associate
professor in 1997. “I have had a wonderful 31-year career at Holy Cross, starting in the fall of 1991 as an accounting professor in the economics department, and subsequently directing the business program for the last 16 years,” he says. “I am extremely grateful for all the support and camaraderie given to me by the administration, colleagues, and alumni.”

Cassie Gevry, associate director, and Kathy Kinnarney, program coordinator, of the Ciocca Center, share that he will be missed for his leadership, support, and friendship over the years.  Students, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni should continue to connect with the Ciocca Center through these contacts.

The College community wishes David a happy and healthy retirement!

Read the announcement in the Holy Cross Magazine and the interview by Conor Joslin ’23 on the blog.


Prof. Chu Reflects on Career at Holy Cross

Group of students with Prof. Chu
Prof. Chu with participants of the 2011 Summer Business Program.

Conor Joslin ’23, the student intern for the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society,  interviewed Prof. David Chu upon hearing about his retirement at the end of the current academic year.

CJ: Let’s start with a little background about your pre-Holy Cross life.

DC: I grew up in Hong Kong and came over to the United States for college. I went to a small college called Anderson College, where there were 2,000 undergraduate students. Anderson College is a liberal arts institution and I majored in accounting and business, which enabled me to study accounting and business while fulfilling all of the liberal arts requirements; so I had a very well rounded education. Then I went to graduate school at Indiana University in Bloomington where I got my MBA and went on to get a PHD. I then taught at Indiana University while my wife was finishing up her medical training. After that, we decided to look around, and Holy Cross offered me a position, which I was very thankful for. My wife also got a job at what was then called the Fallon Clinic, and we moved out here. I started in the fall of 1991, and it has been a great career since.

CJ: What are your roles and responsibilities as the director of the Ciocca Center?  What are the more challenging aspects of your job? Continue reading “Prof. Chu Reflects on Career at Holy Cross”

Conor O’Reilly ’18 Reflects on the Holy Cross Advantage

Male headshot

Conor O’Reilly ’18 – psychology major
Account Executive, Oracle NetSuite
Interviewed by Ciocca Center intern, Conor Joslin ’23

“You have to recognize that you have an advantage.  Having gone through that major and learning all of those essential skills is a benefit that not a lot of people get to learn through their college education if they’re not going to a school like Holy Cross”. 

  • Please share a  bit about your background, where you’re from, and why you decided to attend Holy Cross?

I am from Andover, MA which is just about thirty minutes north of Boston. Growing up, Holy Cross always had a fantastic reputation. I had toured it one spring day and it was a beautiful sunny day on campus. Students were out and I just kind of felt at home there. So I applied to Holy Cross kind of knowing that was where I wanted to go. I had no idea what I wanted to study at that point in high school, but I knew that it was the place for me. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

  • Can you speak a little bit about what your major was and the impact that it had on your professional career?

Continue reading “Conor O’Reilly ’18 Reflects on the Holy Cross Advantage”

Alumn Shares Path from History Major to Tech Sales

Headshots of interviewer and interviewee

Brendan Sullivan ’86 took the time to answer some questions regarding his experiences on the hill and career upon graduation. Brendan was first introduced to Holy Cross by his grandfather, Bill Brennan ’30, and uncle, Jeff Brennan ’60, who both attended Holy Cross as student-athletes. Brendan really wanted to attend an institution with a strong academic reputation and was looking for a college that stood out upon other colleges and universities. His trip to campus, hosted by the football team, solidified his decision to attend Holy Cross due to the experience that he had upon his visit.

“I think studying history and just the entire experience at HC helped me become a much better communicator and gave me insight on what joining the business world would require to be successful”  Continue reading “Alumn Shares Path from History Major to Tech Sales”