INFO SESSION>> Tuesday, March 21 at 5PM in Hogan 519

To complement the Holy Cross rigorous education,
Fullbridge Professional Edge will immerse you in business, finance, marketing, and innovation—for career direction. Working closely in teams to tackle real-world projects, you will develop a strong core of work competencies, and develop confidence to take your next step. Your
Fullbridge coach will be your guide and mentor throughout the six-day program.
Classrooms will be transformed into a simulated workplace – the program is an intensive lecture-free hands-on experience that culminates in a final team presentation. Get real world experience. Fast.
- August 21 – 26, 2017 (week before fall classes begin)
- January 15 – 20, 2018 (week before spring classes begin)
- May 17 – 23, 2018 (week between finals and graduation)