Students Prepare for Bank Visits with Jargon Cheat Sheet

 NYSE Wall Street Signs

This list of finance vocabulary is a sampling of some of the terms and abbreviations students can expect to hear during conversations at the various site visits to banks in Boston and NYC as part of the Certificate in Finance & Banking program.  Get acquainted with industry jargon and concepts, and review courses and guides to gain more from your upcoming experience, including the ability to ask better questions to make yourself stand out from the crowd.  Be sure to access the College’s free readership program for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and New York Times (NYT) to connect with these terms in a real world context.

Finance Jargon

Asset: Resource with economic value that a corporation owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit; Assets are reported on a company’s balance sheet and are bought or created to increase a firm’s value or benefit the firm’s operations.

    • Asset Allocation is an investment strategy that aims to balance risk and reward by apportioning a portfolio’s assets according to an individual’s goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. The three main asset classes – equities, fixed-income, and cash and equivalents – have different levels of risk and return.

Book Building: Process by which an underwriter attempts to determine the price at which an initial public offering (IPO) will be offered. An underwriter, normally an investment bank, builds a book by inviting institutional investors (such as fund managers and others) to submit bids for the number of shares and the price(s) they would be willing to pay for them.

Book Value: Referring to an investment, it is the price paid for a security or debt investment. When a company sells stock, the selling price minus the book value is the capital gain or loss from the investment.

Broker: Individual or firm that acts as an intermediary between an investor and a securities exchange; Buy and sell financial instruments on the behalf of a client and charges a fee for doing so.

Bull and Bear Markets:

    • A Bull Market is a market that is on the rise and where the economy is sound. (Tip: A bull charges “up” with horns.)
    • A Bear Market exists in an economy that is receding, where most stocks are declining in value. (Tip: A bear charges “down” with paws.)

Buying Size: Occurs when a trader offers to buy a large volume of shares


    • Buy-Side is the side of the financial market that buys and invests large portions of securities for the purpose of money or fund management; Includes investment managers, pension funds, and hedge funds.
    • Sell-Side is the other side of the financial market, which deals with the creation, promotion, and selling of traded securities to the public; Includes investment banks, advisory firms, and corporations.

Continue reading “Students Prepare for Bank Visits with Jargon Cheat Sheet”

Annual Business Social Congratulates Business Certificate Graduates

Student collage at an outdoor event

April 27, 2023

Dear student,

Congratulations Business Certificate Program Graduates!

After years of workshops, tutorials, internships, coursework, and job shadowing experiences (not to mention a pandemic!), we are proud to name you as a graduate of the Business Certificate Program offered by the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at the College of the Holy Cross.

As a graduate, you are among a select group of students who will be receiving a Certificate in Business Fundamentals, a Certificate in Entrepreneurship, and/or a Certificate in Finance & Banking.

While others were vacationing, you decided to immerse yourself in business, expose yourself to new concepts, build transferable skill sets, and network with successful alumni in the field. This dedication has made all the difference. Your liberal arts education from Holy Cross has equipped you with the skills to communicate effectively, problem solve, and think critically – the soft skills you can’t learn on the job. To complement this, your business certificate will be a differentiator in the job market and has provided you with competitive technical skills. Take this opportunity to appreciate all that you have accomplished. Continue reading “Annual Business Social Congratulates Business Certificate Graduates”

Fenwick Scholar Awarded to Certificate in Finance & Banking Student

Fenwick Scholar Max Hendrix 23

Fenwick Scholar:  Max Hendrix ’23

Studies: Philosophy,  Economics, Certificate in Finance & Banking

Advisors: Prof. Karsten Stueber, Philosophy &  Prof. Kolleen Rask, Economics

Project: Max will undertake a philosophical analysis of human agency under rational choice theory – the theory in mainstream economics that human beings are fundamentally rational and use this rationality to recognize and pursue goals that align with their own self-interest.  Rational choice theory can be useful for its powerful predictive abilities, but contemporary work in both behavioral economics and social psychology have recently begun to critique these assumptions and question the limits of this theory.  Max would like to approach the question from a philosopher’s perspective, particularly those philosophers who emphasize the intrinsically social nature of humans.  Of interest, for example, is Adam Smith’s often overlooked belief that empathy if a fundamental part of our human agency.

Congratulations to Max Hendrix ’23,  a double major in philosophy and economics pursuing a Certificate in Finance & Banking, for receiving the Fenwick Scholar.   This award is the highest academic award that the College bestows. With advisors, the Fenwick Scholar designs a program of independent research or a project that will complete their undergraduate education in the most challenging, creative, and meaningful way.

Open Letter to Business Certificate Program Graduates

Dear Business Certificate Program graduates, 

Congratulations! After years of workshops, tutorials, internships, coursework, and job shadowing experiences, we are proud to name you as a graduate of the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at the College of the Holy Cross.  

As a graduate, you are among a select group of students who will be receiving a Certificate in Business Fundamentals, Certificate in Entrepreneurship, and/or Certificate in Finance & Banking. 

While others were vacationing, you had decided to immerse yourself in business, expose yourself to new concepts, build transferable skill sets, and network with successful alumni in the field. This dedication has made all the difference.  Your liberal arts education from Holy Cross has equipped you with the skills to communicate effectively, problem solve, and think critically – the soft skills you can’t learn on the job. To complement this, your business certificate will be a differentiator in the job market and has provided you with competitive technical skills. Take this opportunity to appreciate all that you have accomplished. 

The journey from Holy Cross is a shared experience – past, present and future. Much like the time you spent with alumni professionals, our hope is to one day welcome you back to campus to speak with current students.  Your story will be one others can relate to because you have chosen to achieve both your academic interests and unique career goals. We are extremely proud of you and your pursuits, and wish you the best as you embark on your next journey!

Please be sure to stop in Stein 129E to pick up your hard copy certificate, graduation pin and say farewell.  

Congratulations again on this tremendous achievement and please stay in touch,

Prof. David Chu, Cassie Gevry, Prof. Ja-Naé Duane & Kathy Kinnarney
Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society
Continue reading “Open Letter to Business Certificate Program Graduates”

Jack Dennehy ’21 Interview by JP Cunninhgam ’23

Male Headshot

Jack Dennehy ’21, Student at UVA McIntire School of Commerce
Holy Cross Studies: Political Science Major, Finance & Banking Certificate
Interviewed by JP Cunninhgam ’23

JPC: How was your experience as a student at HC pursuing one of the business certificates?

JD: I enjoyed my experience pursuing this certificate—the Fullbridge Program especially gave me good experience in being able to research a company and present on it. Additionally, the Finance Boot Camp was particularly helpful in terms of networking and learning more about different banks and specific roles there.

JPC: Was there one workshop, class, professor, club, activity, etc. that has influenced your perspective on the professional world to the greatest extent?

JD: The Finance Boot Camp definitely did. I gained valuable insight into the financial services world by getting the opportunity to see what the average day looks like in this field across many different companies. Additionally, visiting these different banks and learning more about them was a very unique experience that I valued greatly.

JPC: During interviews, how did the certificate help you to land your first job or internship? Continue reading “Jack Dennehy ’21 Interview by JP Cunninhgam ’23”

Ciocca Center Graduates Business Certificate Program Students

61 students at the College of the Holy Cross completed the Business Certificate Program through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society.

We are proud of the hard work these students have done and their commitment to completing the Business Certificate Programs offered through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society.  The liberal arts education is complemented by the experiences and skills gained through the  Business Certificate Program and an excellent opportunity to connect with the alumni presenters.  Each student received a pin to wear on graduation day as well as an official certificate noting this achievement.

Graduating during a pandemic is an added hurdle to securing a full-time position.  We encourage all participants to stay positive and connected with the Holy Cross alumni network, faculty and staff, particularly the Center for Career Development. We are all here to help students succeed and are available as resources for you.  Congratulations!

Read more to see a list of students and Business Certificate Programs. Continue reading “Ciocca Center Graduates Business Certificate Program Students”

Holy Cross Student Summer: Ramses Taveras ’22

The Business Certificate Programs through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at Holy Cross provide students with technical skills and experience.  Building a resume that speaks to your career interest, no matter your major, gives you relevant talking points in an interview.

“I  believe that Holy Cross has given me the skills to adapt to this new environment and be able to learn quickly and effectively. Not only that, but the College instills a strong work ethic among students, which is something I am definitely grateful for. I believe that Holy Cross has really given me a foundation in how to think and learn, even in what at first might be an uncomfortable, unknown environment.” – Ramses Taversas ’22


Alumna Spotlight: Seton McFarland ’16

Seton McFarland ’16, second from right, on an alumni panel at UBS.

Alumna: Seton McFarland ’16
Major: Accounting
Profession: Analyst, UBS

Who/What inspired you to enter the business world?  Both of my parents worked in business, so I definitely gravitated to what I was familiar with coming out of college. Within the business world, I chose to enter into the financial services industry because it complemented my strong interest in economics. Continue reading “Alumna Spotlight: Seton McFarland ’16”