1. Write targeted resume and cover letters that align with the position you are applying for. They must be letter perfect – no grammatical errors!
2. Utilize multiple resources in your internship search – Crusader Connections, LACN internship database, internships.com, internmatch.com, connections with friends, family, etc…
3. Do your research! You need to understand and be able to articulate what the company does, what industry they are in, what the role is and how it aligns with your interests.
4. During interviews, you need to make connections for the employer between your skills and experience and the role for which you are interviewing.
5. Network! Use the Career Advisor Network and LinkedIn.com to find Alumni who are at organizations you are applying to or interviewing with.
6. Follow-up! Send thank you notes within 24 hours after an interview. Email is best as it’s immediate. You can always follow-up with a hand-written thank you note. Reach back out to the employer two weeks after the interview to restate your interest and enthusiasm in the role.