Meet Rosemary Weiss ’18 Development Intern at Hot Snakes Media
Tell us about where you are interning and the kind of work you are doing.
I worked on the research and development of a documentary series.
Give us an example of how you have applied your academic learnings to your internship?
I study Theatre at Holy Cross, and act and work on the technical side of production. I have learned that you have to work hard, be adaptable, and always keep in mind the end goal–the production.
What has surprised you about being an intern?
How immersed I am in the production of this TV series.
How did this experience influence or connect to your future career plans / goals?
I have always wanted to work creatively and in the entertainment industry–either writing, acting, or producing, theatre, TV, or film. This internship has put me in the center of it all and prepared me to go forward in my career.
Any internship advice to pass on to other Holy Cross students?
Give it your all, do not be afraid to share your ideas, and be ready to learn from the pros.