Alumni Spotlight: Irvin Scott

Name: Irvin Scott

Graduation Year: 2014professional pic (1)

Major: English

Industry: Financial Services, BNY Mellon and Acting, Eaux de vie Bluespark Collaborative Documentary

Favorite Class: Bible and Literature- Professor Kee and Cording

Campus Involvement: Interdenominational Services, BSU, D1AA Varsity Football

College Internship/Work Experience (if you were in Summer Internship Program, Academic Internship Program, other programs): Northwestern Mutual College Intern Program (Junior Year)

What were some of the most defining events/opportunities/aspects of your time at Holy Cross? My most defining moment was when I spoke at my class’ Holy Cross Baccalaureate Mass.

What is one thing someone should be certain to do before they graduate? There is no one right answer to this question, but I’d say receiving some professional exposure in whatever field you are looking to become involved in is essential. If you don’t know what particular field is, shop around, try things out but whatever you do, don’t sit around and wait.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field? The financial service industry is extremely lucrative with an array of avenues you can go down. The most important thing to do is become familiar with the field you are looking to go into quickly. If it’s insurance, get certified as soon as possible. If it’s banking, get your securities license (Series 6, 7) early. Get your foot in the door early through internships. Reach out to Alumni in the financial service industry.

The acting is more of a hobby than a career, but getting involved after college is essential.

What skills have you found most useful in your professional life that you attribute from learning at Holy Cross?

My ability to learn new material is something I attribute from my Holy Cross education. You will notice that you are an anomaly in most work settings because of your natural intuitive skills. Being able to clearly articulate my thoughts is something I attribute to my background in English.

What is the most important advice you could give a student on obtaining an internship or a job?

Don’t put too much emphasis on landing the “BIG TIME” internship or job. Understand what your strengths and weaknesses are and see where you can be both an asset and sponge. Apply to as many companies as possible. Whether it’s an internship or a job, pick whatever company or industry you feel provides the most stability and education. There will never be a company that’s the absolute perfect fit but make the most out of every opportunity that presents itself. As I mentioned before, spend less time thinking about what you want to do and more time trying out what you think you want to do.