Go Crush This Career Stuff

IMG_2404The following post was written by Lisa Samaraweera on LinkedIn Pulse.  Lisa joined us as a career counselor during the middle of the fall semester, while Maura Hume-Sweeney was on leave. Our students had the pleasure to meet with Lisa to discuss their career interests and goals, to critique their resumes and cover letters for jobs and internships, and to help them prepare for interviews.

I’ve spent the last month and a half covering a maternity leave at the College of the Holy Cross Center for Career Development in Worcester, MA. The experience has been truly enjoyable and engaging. The people (students, staff and faculty) who represent the community are just wonderful. Holy Cross is a special college, and there is an energy on campus that is both vibrant and serene at the same time.

Having worked at several different colleges over my career, I have to say that Holy Cross has really been my favorite – and almost entirely because the students are so unique. They are incredibly bright, articulate, service driven, determined and so polite! Day after day it is a joy to help them with their resumes, cover letters and interview prep.

Despite all of these wonderful attributes, I have noticed something interesting and unexpected – and that is despite their intellect and poise, they are also incredibly hesitant to trust in themselves. I see it each day – and each day I want to just reach out and give them a hug and say, “If you only knew how amazing you are! You’ve got this.”

I know this is true not just for Holy Cross students, but for students everywhere (and for adults…but that’s another post!) I’ve reflected on this, and while I write these parting words to the students of HC, I hope other students will read this too:

1) You Will Find No Answers

More specifically – you will find no answers if you continue to searchexternally. You are profoundly more resourceful and powerful than you know – and closer than you believe to harnessing this truth. Your career counselors, faculty, parents and friends will provide you with guidance – and you will seek it out (probably for the rest of your life) – but at the end of the day only you can make the choices that impact your future and career. You will ask for black and white answers from others, but you will always be left with shades of gray. You have to give into the gray. Trust yourself…no matter how scary it feels.

2) Trust Yourself – Trust the Journey

The more you trust yourself, the more you will begin to trust your journey. The choices you make now, unfortunately, will not wrap a tidy bow around your career and relieve you of future decisions, anxiety and uncertainty. You will continue to evolve, and grow, and seek out your destiny – it’s our human nature to do so. With this constant seeking, you will find yourself embarking down paths that are not clearly lit. Trust the journey. Everything you do now is setting you up for something in your future. You cannot move forward without the experiences you are living right in this moment. Trust that they all serve a purpose instead of judging them as “wrong” or “right”. If you do this, a weight will lift from your shoulders. I promise.

3) Everything You Need is Within You Now

Stop believing that the best you will appear AFTER you get that job, or AFTER you get into that grad school, or AFTER you get that interview. You. Right Now. In this moment. Hold POWER. You have everything you need inside of you to fill you to the brim with confidence and happiness and capability. You are limited only by the stories of doubt that you tell yourself. Tap into that feeling that fills the bottom of your belly when you feel passionate, and excited, and strong. That feeling is the energy within you that has been there since the moment you were born. You don’t need anyone’s permission to use that power. Give yourself permission to unleash it!

4) Continue to be Resourceful

It’s very possible that your first word was “Google.” You live in the information age. You are surrounded by incredible resources. Learn how to use them. While you won’t necessarily get those nice black and white answers from your online searches, you WILL learn and shed light on the possibilities in front of you. If you’re reading this you’ve made a profile on LinkedIn – awesome. Now go and do something useful with this incredible tool. I would have killed for LinkedIn when I was your age…you are CRAZY if you’re not using it for networking and research.

Thanks to all of the HC students who helped me remember that this career stuff is HARD. It feels crazy, and terrifying, and entirely out of control. I get it. I soooo get it. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up and I’m almost 40 years old….but you know what? I’m cool with that. I’ve realized that my job does not define me, and my career does not decide my worth.

So, here’s my “hug” to you – go out and CRUSH this career stuff.

You’ve got this.



Making the Most of Winter Break

HCwinterWinter break is a time for you to relax, decompress and visit with family and friends. Those dreaded finals are
a distant memory! Once you’ve caught up on sleep and recharged your batteries, here are a few ways you can make the most of your time away from the hill.

  • Focus on your summer internship search. Use winter break to identify the type of internship you are seeking and explore potential opportunities. There are many career exploration and internship search tools available on our website. The Center for Career Development is open during winter break so reach out to us for assistance. We can review resume and cover letter documents via email or set up time to meet via phone or Skype.
  • Volunteer. Employers look for demonstrated interest in a particular field or industry. Volunteering is an effective way for you to gain exposure to an area that may be of interest to you. Seek out volunteer opportunities in your community that align with your interest areas.
  • Network. The Holy Cross Alumni community is incredibly strong. Take advantage of it! Winter break is an ideal time to for you to find and reach out to Alumni in a role, company and/or field of interest to you. The Career Advisor Network and LinkedIn are two resources we encourage students to use to identify alumni to contact.
  • Consider Summer Internship Funding. If you are considering an unpaid or underpaid internship for this summer, the Center for Career Development has limited funding available. Students need to apply for funding by January 31, 2016. Winter break is a perfect time for you to work on your application materials. More information about Summer Internship Funding can be found here.

Lastly, ENJOY winter break. It’s a time when you can step away from the busy day-to- day of student life to relax and re-energize. In addition to tackling some of the items outlined above I hope you find time to slow down, enjoy a home cooked meal, and spend quality time with family and friends.

(Written by Julie Draczynski ’99)

Summer Internship Profiles: Carson Marsh’17

Full Name: Carson MarshScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 2.20.59 PM

Internship Company: WAE/MG Advisors

Internship Position:  Analyst

Internship Location: New York, NY

While looking for your internship, what services did you use at the Center for Career Development?  

I frequently visited the Center for Career Development throughout my entire internship search process to seek advice, assistance with my resume/cover letters, and attend different functions/workshops they hosted. I specifically met with Pam Ahearn, who is the the industry based career counselor for financial services and Wall Street. Ms. Ahearn helped me figure out how to best present myself to companies I was interested in, and she also answered my questions about the general recruiting process. Ms. Ahearn and I met regularly and I was able to keep her informed throughout my internship search process.

If you want to intern on Wall Street, you have to talk to specially to Ms. Ahearn. She and the rest of the Career Development staff are really helpful in scheduling mock interviews and going over my cover letters  and resume. The entire office is fantastic and I really appreciate all of their help with my internship search.

Are you involved in any of the COES clubs and/or programs? If yes, how did they help prepare you for your internship?

Yes, I am involved with the Holy Cross Pre-Business Program. I have participated in the Summer Business Program (SBP) and Finance Bootcamp. The SBP really opened my eyes into the world of business and showed me all of the opportunities available. These programs allowed me to learn how to effectively  network with other professionals. SBP showed me the many different career paths available within business. Once I realized I wanted to go into finance, I participated in the Finance Bootcamp. Here, I was able to visit banks and network with Holy Cross alumni, who were in charge of recruiting current students for summer internships. Additionally, Finance Bootcamp allowed me to experience firsthand the different career paths within finance such as private banking, sales, and trading and investment banking.

What skills did you gain from your internship experience and how have they added to your professionalism?

My internship at WAE/MG advisors helped me improve my analytical and quantitative abilities. During my internship, I honed my  Excel skills, drafted emails, and edited marketing materials. These jobs really improved my attention to detail, and ability to execute tasks as fast as possible with no margin for error. All of these skills made me a much more attractive candidate for the bulge bracket banks during Wall St. recruiting and I highly recommend applying to WAE/MG Advisors if one is trying to best position himself to get into investment banking or any career on Wall Street.

How did this experience influence or connect to your future career plans / goals?

When I started the internship, I was not really sure what area within finance I wanted to go into. But after working at WAE/MG Advisors, I decided that I wanted to go into investment banking. Also, being in the city presents an easy platform to network with alumni and learn about what they do. You can learn from them and that can help you decide what kind of career to pursue.

What is one piece of advice that you would give to the future intern?

This job has a lot of extremely random responsibilities and tasks so there is nothing you can do to prepare for them. Just go in with the mindset ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done and be able to multitask. Also, take advantage of being in the city and network with as many alumni as possible. This will set you up really well for Wall Street  recruiting.

Overall, what was your most exciting experience at your internship?

One time I got to sit in on a couple meetings with private equity firms. This was an incredible experience that is very hard to replicate elsewhere in business. Just watching my boss discuss business with the partners at the firm was very inspiring.

Summer Internship Profiles: Karina Camargo ’16

Full Name: Karina Sofia Camargo

Internship Company: ZinePakkarina C

Internship Position: Marketing/Journalism Intern

Internship Location: New York, New York

While looking for your internship, what services did you use at the Center for Career Development?  

As a member of SIP, I was able to receive email notifications of listings of internships offered. Since I was abroad, I was not able to physically walk into the Center, but I worked closely with much of the staff and communicated with them through email to make sure my resume and cover letters were in good shape.

Are you involved in any of the COES clubs and/or programs? If yes, how did they help prepare you for your internship?

As a first-year and sophomore, I tried my best to attend meetings of The Agency and SPIN, whenever I could. Every time I attended a meeting, especially during my freshman year, I learned something new, just because I had no idea what “networking” or “elevator pitches” were. These clubs allow you to become familiar with the basics of these industries in business and also make you aware of upcoming events and resources to then implement those skills in the real world. Sometimes they have mini-projects where you have to come up with a marketing campaign on campus and present your idea to the rest of the group. Experience with this allowed me to not be afraid at my internship to contribute my own ideas and speak up during brainstorming sessions for new products.

What skills did you gain from your internship experience and how have they added to your professionalism?

I became content marketing certified, and acquired the skills of business and blog writing. These two types of writing styles are  very different from academic writing that I tend to use more heavily as a Spanish/German double major. I was able to learn more about content/inbound marketing and how it connects brands/entertainers with their fans. Additionally, one of my biggest accomplishments was learning to navigating New York City. I am now proudly able to say that I can handle living and working in Manhattan.

How did this experience influence or connect to your future career plans / goals?

This experience solidified my decision to pursue a career in media/entertainment, preferably with music, and specifically with a Hispanic focus. The co-founders (my bosses) have been really great and are willing to connect me with people they know who can help me, too. They have a lot of connections, including people who are heads of the Latin American divisions of other companies and they have introduced me to them, as well as have always been helpful in writing me recommendations or serving as references for any applications.

What is one piece of advice that you would give to the future intern?

One piece of advice I would give to a future intern would be to encourage them to integrate themselves into the company in any way they can. Don’t shy away from sharing your thoughts in brainstorm sessions, helping someone even if they didn’t ask you for help, or even forming a relationship with your coworkers. ZinePak is a small start-up comprised of 8 young women, so it’s easy to really get to know each one and make an effort to see how each of them contributes in a significantly different way to produce the end product. On my first day, one of my coworkers invited me to attend an event after work hours. I gladly accepted the invitation and was then able to learn about her, as well as the company in casual conversation preceding the event. When I went back at the end of the summer and asked for feedback from everyone, it turned out that this one decision of mine ended up having a positive impact on the rest of the team. My acceptance to their invitation showed them I was outgoing person and open to spend time out of the office with them.  

Overall, what was your most exciting experience at your internship?

Living in New York City was one of the most exciting parts of my internship experience! It amazes me that I was able to accomplish so much in two months. On the first day of my internship, a coworker invited me to the premiere of Magic Mike XXL. Another day at work, we all went to see Broadway in Bryant Park on our lunch break. I also won front row tickets to see a new Broadway play, Hamilton, written by and starring my favorite playwright, Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Later in the summer, I was able to meet some famous people. I met one of my favorite Latin singers, Prince Royce, saw Candace Cameron (DJ Tanner on Full House) at a book signing, and attended a talk given by Salma Hayek. This summer in NYC was one of my greatest life experiences, because I was able to do things I could have never imagined.

Summer Internship Profiles: Vincent Martello’16

Full Name: Vincent Martellovinny2

Internship Company: Winthrop University Hospital

Internship Position: Clinical Observer/Research Intern

Internship Location: Mineola, NY; New York, NY

While looking for your internship, what services did you use at the Center for Career Development?  

The Center for Career Development was extremely helpful in the internship search and procurement process each and every step of the way. Other than countless trips in to revise individualized resumes and cover letters, the staff was so helpful in discussing what opportunities were best for my interests, and how I should go about communicating that to the employers. Everyone was also so instrumental in just easing the stress and anxiety that comes with the search process and the suspense one experiences before he or she would hear back from the employer.

Are you involved in any of the clubs and/or programs? If yes, how did they help prepare you for your internship?

I am part of the Pre-Health advising program. Many of the classes I’ve taken and the research experience that come with the prerequisite requirements helped with some of the science and understanding behind working in a hospital alongside physicians. However, the program really stresses the need to be assertive and network with professionals which was a skill that proved to be invaluable this summer.

The photo above was taken while Vincent was

on a medical service trip outside the country.

What skills did you gain from your internship experience and how have they added to your professionalism?

My internship experience allowed me to work on and gain a variety of professional skills. For one, communication was most important especially when dealing with physicians and supervisors on shadowing and research projects. I learned that in a fast paced environment, communication must be clear and concise in order to avoid simple mistakes, especially in dealing with patients who need direct and effective care. Furthermore, my ability to interpret data and think critically was highly tested in working with physicians to convey data in ways that extended beyond numerical representation.

How did this experience influence or connect to your future career plans / goals?

My internship experience opened me up to new possibilities and opportunities that may prove to be exciting and rewarding career options. While reaffirming my desire to go into medicine and become a physician, I was exposed to new areas of  medicine and medical research that I never considered to be of interest to me. I’ve always conveyed interest in Sports Medicine however, I now find great excitement and interest in exploring careers in Radiology, Radiation Oncology, and even surgery.  

What is one piece of advice that you would give to the future intern?

Be open and willing to experience new things! Say YES! Half my time during my internship was spent shadowing various branches of the medical field ranging from clinical and anatomical pathology to cardiothoracic surgery. I can honestly say without doubt that my summer internship was unbelievably fulfilling because my fellow intern and I said YES to every opportunity we were offered and every new experience we were given. One can never know if a certain opportunity, job, or career choice will be the right one unless he or she tries it first.

Overall, what was your most exciting experience at your internship?

Of the many exciting opportunities I had this summer at my internship, the most exciting was working with the Chief and Medical Directors of the Radiation Oncology Departments at Winthrop. My fellow intern Nick Russo and I spent the large portion of our week working to complete a patient database for the hospital’s CyberKnife treatment program. They were so thankful for our work that the two physicians really made us feel at home in their office. They made every effort to have us observe their work and tell us every detail about their careers. They even went as far as to teach us cancer diagnosis protocols they work with and quized is along the way. They respected us and treated us as if we were regular medical school student getting ready to enter their field.

Alumni Spotlight: Patricia Feraud’15

Name: Patricia “Tita” Feraudpatricia

Graduation Year: 2015

Major: Sociology with Peace and Conflict Concentration

Industry: Graduate student at UPenn’s Higher Education Administration Program and graduate assistant at UPenn’s Civic House

Favorite Class:

Too many to choose from, but the top would be any classes with Professor Hobgood.

Campus Involvement:

CASA, MPE, Women In Business, Sociology and Anthropology Committee, Peer Mentor, Odyssey Leader, Student Life Committee, SAFER facilitator, Let’s Get Ready

College Internship/Work Experience:

Volunteered at Worcester Roots Project and Working for Worcester, and worked as a summer camp counselor at South Worcester Neighborhood Center’s and Tabor Academy Summer Program.

What were some of the most defining events/opportunities/aspects of your time at Holy Cross?

Attending and participating in Multicultural events provided me a safe space to grow as person, learn from my peers, and appreciate my culture. These events lead me to my current career path to Student Affairs professional. Most of my applied learning happened outside of class, at these events.

What is one thing someone should be certain to do before they graduate?

I would advise that everyone should attend at least one social justice retreat. Even if one is not in the path of doing civic work, one should be informed about one’s identity and placement in the world. The social justice retreat provides a safe space for everyone to engage in great dialogue about identity. If one has a greater sense oneself, then one will have an easier time in figuring out if a career is the best fit for oneself.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?

If you attended Holy Cross, you are more than prepared for graduate school. If you have time management, critical-thinking skills, and public speaking skills, graduate school will feel like home for you.

What skills have you found most useful in your professional life that you attribute from learning at Holy Cross?

I did not realized how much of Holy Cross’ values are ingrained in me and influence the ways I view the world. Holy Cross taught me a lot about how to analyze texts and form my own opinions, writing effectively, and cura personalis. I realized that if I do not take care of myself holistically, I cannot function professionally to the best of my abilities.

What is the most important advice you could give a student on obtaining an internship or a job?

I would advise a student to do what they think they will enjoy or not sure if they are interested in to determine what they want to do in  the future. As a camp counselor, I learned that I did not want to go into teaching, but enjoyed my time as a counselor.

Alumni Spotlight: Kyler Canastra’14

Name: Kyler CanastraKyler

Graduation Year: 2014

Major: Spanish & History

Industry: Currently an English Teaching Assistant in León, Spain, planning to pursue a career in Education. Also, working as the Study Abroad Cultural Advisor for Holy Cross students in León.

Favorite Class: Either “Modern Spanish Drama” with Professor Freear-Papio, “Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World” with Professor Alba-Salas or “French Revolutions” with Professor McBride

Campus Involvement: SPUD, Spring Break Immersion Leader, Arrupe Immersion Leader (Nicaragua), Bilingual Theater Troupe, Music Ministry, Student Advising Committee (Spanish Department), Pax Christi, Sound of St. James A Cappella Group, Foreign Language Assistant Cultural Liaison, Escape Retreat Leader, Study Abroad Ambassador

College Internship/Work Experience: Campus Ministry Internship: ESL teacher in New Bedford, MA, Mellon Summer Research in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Fine Arts: Conducted research with Professor Alba-Salas

What were some of the most defining events/opportunities/aspects of your time at Holy Cross?

Some of the most defining opportunities that I had at Holy Cross were those in which I was able to leave Worcester and explore different places both close and far from campus. As both a sophomore and a senior, I was able to travel to Nicaragua through the Chaplain’s office, which allowed me to witness the global issues that many face around the world. This trip challenged me both spiritually and emotionally and allowed me to begin to understand the difficult realities that many face in other countries. I still remember the people that I met there and I continue remembering their stories years later. Nicaragua was not the only time I was able to travel internationally during my time on the Hill. I had the chance to study abroad my junior year in León, Spain. Not only did this experience help me to become fluent in another language, but it also taught me how to adapt to a different culture and way of life. By living with a host family and attending a foreign university, I found myself far out of my comfort zone. Although it seemed difficult at first, I grew as both a student and global citizen.

It may seem that most of my defining experiences as a Holy Cross student occurred in other countries; however, some of the most special moments of my undergraduate career are from my involvement as a volunteer with SPUD in Worcester. Throughout my time on campus, I volunteered in different positions including being an ESL teacher for local immigrants. By getting off campus once a week and leaving the worries and stresses of being a college student behind, I was able to engage with my local community and learn from those who also called Worcester “home.”

What is one thing someone should be certain to do before they graduate?

I think that every student should go on a Spring Break Immersion Trip at least once before they graduate. Before attending Holy Cross and learning about this opportunity, I had always imagined that I would either spend my Spring breaks home or traveling with friends. I never thought that I would go on a service trip. I did not go on Spring Break Immersion as a first-year student and I regretted it. I remember all of my friends coming back and raving about how much fun they had and how much the experience had impacted them. I signed up during my second year and the trip was unforgettable. Not only did I meet new friends on the trip, but I also learned the importance of service work and the impacts it has both on the volunteer and the local community. I was luckily able to lead a Spring Break Immersion trip my senior year and it is something I will never forget. Spring Break Immersion takes the many Jesuit values that you learn on campus and allows you to begin to apply them to your everyday life.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?

Patience. Teaching is a such a rewarding experience; however, you always have to be accommodating and flexible in order to learn how to connect with your students. By moving to Spain and teaching English in a high school, I took a risk. Not only have I had to adjust to a foreign education system, but I had to learn how to connect with my students by using their second language and to make sure that they understood every word that I said. At first, it was very difficult. There were many long days where I questioned my decision to teach. However, after many weeks and months had passed, I began to learn what strategies worked best with my students and after a year here in Spain, I have found my experience to be very rewarding. Being a good teacher does not happen overnight. You have to take the time and connect with your students and analyze your teaching style in order to see improvements within your classroom.

What skills have you found most useful in your professional life that you attribute from learning at Holy Cross?

During my time on the Hill, I learned that it is necessary to be open-minded in any situation in order to achieve any goal. While you might have a specific idea in mind, you must be able to listen to your peers and adjust to their needs and suggestions. Living and working in a foreign country has challenged me to incorporate my own knowledge in the field of education through collaboration with my colleagues. It is almost as if I were back at Holy Cross working on a group project or presentation. Not only am I learning from my own experience, but I am also learning for the input and ideas of my fellow teachers. Holy Cross taught me to discuss and analyze any situation and I am grateful for this every day that I go into school.

What is the most important advice you could give a student on obtaining an internship or a job?

I would say that it is most important to be calm and willing to try new things when applying for a job and internship. We all want to plan our futures and have the “perfect” job that will make us happy, but I know from experience that we cannot live our lives in this manner. We have to be able to overcome any setback and learn from our mistakes and from what we are given in a particular moment. Work hard for what you want, but take risks and take advantage of the opportunities that you are presented with. When starting at Holy Cross, I never thought that I would end up being a teacher in Spain, but I am so grateful for taking chances and being open to new experiences.

Summer Internship Profiles: Claire Malone’17

Full Name: Claire MaloneClaire Malone

Internship Company: Cosmopolitan Magazine

Internship Position: Sales and Marketing

Internship Location: Hearst Tower- New York City

While looking for your internship, what services did you use at the Center for Career Development? 

Last Fall while researching summer internships I utilized the strong Holy Cross alumni network and identified the Cosmopolitan opportunity. While at the Women in Business conference, I was introduced to an executive from Cosmopolitan who is also a Holy Cross alum.  She has worked at Cosmo for a number of years and always likes to hire an HC student for the summer.  Before my Cosmopolitan phone interview, I spoke with Megan Chester in the Career Development Center who took me through a mock interview to help me prepare.


What skills did you gain from your internship experience and how have they added to your professionalism?

My experience this past summer at Cosmo has allowed me to not only further develop my knowledge of the sales and marketing industry, but also allowed me to sharpen my analytical and interpersonal skills.  Throughout the summer, I was responsible for analyzing a number of competitor magazines in order to establish how Cosmo can differentiate themselves within the industry.  Furthermore, collaborating with senior representatives in the development of sales presentations allowed me to establish professional relationships with those in the industry.

How did this experience influence or connect to your future career plans / goals?

Working at Cosmopolitan Magazine allowed me to further explore my interest in sales and marketing, as well as develop valuable life skills.  I was not only able to gain professional experience in the work force, but I also learned the ins and outs of New York City.  In the future, I plan to pursue my interest in this field by hopefully either working at a magazine or at an advertising agency.

What is one piece of advice that you would give to the future intern?

It is important to make the most out of the internship.  Cosmo has so much to offer and you will be working with so many interesting people on a daily basis.  Everyone in the office is extremely open and willing to answer any questions that you might have so take them up on that opportunity.  While my internship focused on sales and marketing, I encourage you to explore other departments such as editorial and layout in order to broaden your understanding of the magazine world.  These opportunities can really allow you to discover which section of the magazine best suits your personality.

Overall, what was your most exciting experience at your internship?

Working at Cosmopolitan Magazine was a dream come true.  The atmosphere of the office and the employees that I was surrounded with made each and every day new and exciting.  One of my favorite parts about the internship was the Cosmo U program.  Every Wednesday, the Cosmo interns would team up with the interns from Redbook and Seventeen to meet with people from the various departments within the magazine.  This was an amazing opportunity to not only meet new people, but to also see the different areas of the company.  Additionally, on the last day of the internship, the interns were invited into the Cosmo beauty closet to help themselves to the extras from the photo shoots!

How to Conduct an Effective Internship Search

Thanksgiving break is just around the corner and winter break is just over four weeks away. What better time than now to start thinking about your summer internship search? For many students that can cause stress or panic. Where do I start? The Center for Career Development (CCD) is here to help! Follow these key steps to conduct an effective summer internship search.

First, you need to be able to articulate the type of internship you are looking for. Consider your strengths, interests, and passions. Then, align those with industries, fields, and/or the type of work you might enjoy doing. The Center for Career Development can guide you through this exploration process.  Stop in Hogan 203 or call 508-793-3880 to set up an appointment with a counselor.

Once you have an idea as to the type of internship experiences you are seeking, the first rule of thumb is: cast a wide net. There are many places and approaches to finding an internship. You should be deploying them all! The Center for Career Development markets many internships across all student populations. In fact, we posted over 600 internships last year! So, pay attention. A weekly internship newsletter is sent via email each Sunday afternoon from the CCD office. Make sure you’re reading that newsletter each week to target internships that might be of interest to you.

Utilize online resources! A number of resources to consider are:

  • Crusader Connections
  • Liberal Arts Career Network (LACN) Internship Database
  • Idealist
  • Internmatch.com
  • Internships.com

Links to these site can all be found on the CCD website under Online Resources (http://holycross.edu/support-and-resources/career-planning-center/online-resources). Use these job boards and sites to search for internships that align with your interest areas.

Network! Network! Network! The alumni community at Holy Cross is incredibly strong. Tap into that community as you search for an internship. Use the Career Advisors Network, which you can link to from the Online Resources page on the CCD website. Alumni within the Career Advisors Network have offered their time to talk to students about their careers. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of that? Use LinkedIn to search for Alumni who are at companies or doing the kind of work you’re most interested in. Reach out and schedule time to talk with them. You can get some valuable advice and guidance from alumni who are in an industry or field of work that you aspire to!

For those of you considering unpaid or underpaid internships, limited funding is available. Visit the Summer Internship Funding page on our website to learn more (http://holycross.edu/support-and-resources/career-planning-center/summer-internships/summer-internship-funding). The deadline to apply for funding is January 31st 2016.

You don’t have to go through this process alone. Career Development is here to help you. Don’t be a stranger! Stop into Hogan 203 or schedule an appointment so we can help you create a tailored internship search strategy. Put your time during winter break to good use!

(Written by Julie Draczynski)

10th Annual Women in Business Recap


     This past Saturday, the Coccia Office of Entrepreneurial Studies held the 10th Annual Women in Business Conference in the Hogan Ballroom.  The event is aimed at celebrating, honoring, and inspiring past and present Holy Cross women in their career endeavors.  The organizing committee, comprised Professor David Chu, Cassie Gevry, Kathy Lavalee and eight Holy Cross students, worked hard to prepare for a successful day.

    Kim Miles, the founder of Miles in Heels, attends conferences and helps the attendees to ‘get past hello,’ and kicked off the event with an icebreaker that allowed current students and alumni to find commonalities among their experiences at Holy Cross.  Each table was given a topic ranging from “favorite Holy Cross tradition” to “best urban legend.”  As a comedian, Kim provided commentary on each story and helped to create a welcoming atmosphere for all.  This activity allowed students and alumni to find a common ground and led to deeper conversations about life experiences and offered opportunities for professional career advice.

    Miles set the stage for the morning’s Keynote Speaker, Amy Bell, Holy Cross Class of 1988 and Deputy Editor of Vanity Fair Magazine.  Bell’s speech was empowering for many as she started by talking about her roots as an English Major at Holy Cross, the difficulties she experienced in Graduate School at New York University, and her entry level jobs in magazine publishing.  Each of these experiences led her to the work she has done at Vanity Fair Magazine.  The address was relatable to many, as she shared specific stories from her undergraduate life, how to make the transition into post graduate life, and answered questions about managing being a mother and a professional.  Throughout her speech, Bell reiterated the importance of making oneself an indispensable asset to a company by arriving to work early, staying late, and always giving one hundred and ten percent to assignments.  She attributes her success to this motto that she uses daily and encouraged the audience to follow this advice, as it makes employees stand out in the competitive work force.  Overall, Amy Bell’s speech was very well written, relatable, and offered many life lessons.

    Next, alumni and students chatted over lunch and socialized, which offered for great networking opportunities before the afternoon events.  At 2:00, students and alumni attended various alumni represented panels with topics ranging from “Ten Years Out:  Life After the Hill,” to “Building Your Personal Brand.”  I attended a session called “Corporate Etiquette,” which was run by three recent graduates, who are currently working for General Electric, including in Texas and Connecticut.  This session was very helpful, as Kellie, Lauren, and Whitney offered tips on correspondence, proper dress attire, and other situations that one commonly faces in the office.  Their insights, responses to questions, and stories about their time at Holy Cross were helpful in gaining new perspectives into life after Holy Cross.

    Overall, Women In Business was a success, as the speakers, alumnae support, and attendance by currents students created a friendly and welcoming atmosphere with many intellectual conversations and new connections.  The record number of students in attendance, with fifty more than last year, reflects the strength and growth of the Women In Business program over the last ten years.

(Written by Sara McLean’17)