April Advice: You May want to Follow

Its Finally April! Were reviewing the best advice we can offer students for the upcoming month! You better take notes here because this is PRICELESS info on how to land your next internship or job! READY? Here we go…

From the Bar to the Boardroom: How to transform your weekend outfit into your Interview outfit in MINUTES!

We know that with the incoming warm weather, you may want to go out, show some leg, and hit main street for all the local drink establishments, so lets go over some tips in case you find yourself having to recycle outfits for a boring job or internship interview.

  • Don’t bother spraying your shirts with Febreeze… employers are intrigued by the smell of booze on clothes. It shows initiative that you were even able to wake up for the interview after such an eventful night.
  • Ladies: Take a tissue & wipe off the bottom of your eyeliner. Leave on the rest and it will look freshly done!
  • Gents : The whole full suit stereotype is SO outdated… show those interviewers you have some real style with some fresh converses and jeans.

Here are some appropriate looks for interviews to let people know you’ve had a busy night!


The Art of making the perfect resume:

  • Make sure to choose a very elusive font, as employers like a sense of mystery to draw them in. Recommendations: Franklin Gothic Heavy (Make it BOLD!)
  • Another option is to have a friend write your resume. There’s a reason why they are your friends…they know you the best!
  • Include clever hashtags. Employers love it when you make them laugh. Ex: #ImTotatllyQualifiedForThisJob #HireMeorDIE #ImBrokeAndItsNoJoke #ImAKillerIntern
  • No need to proofread!
  • Use profanity if need be.

Spruce up your Online Profile:

Noooo we’re not talking LinkedIn here… Lets see those Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages please!

  • Upload your best beer pong match to YouTube ASAP and title it with your full name (Middle Initial Included). Employers want to see your competitive edge and you want to make it easy for them to see that. Bonus: If you are a regular champion…hashtag it on your resume! #BeerPongChamp
  • If you don’t have a Red Solo Cup in your profile picture, you’re doing it wrong. Fill it up, instagram it to your facebook page & show us your best Saturday 2am face. An employer’s dream.
  • Employers want entry-level employees who take charge of the company on Day 1, so show off your authoritative skills by throwing in some disrespectful statements on your public Facebook & Twitter profile.

Nail your Interview!

Bring a pal to that next interview, especially if you’re hungover (which you should be)!

  • Always interview in pairs just like Brennan and Dale from Step Brothers.
  • Don’t bring copies of your resume… it looks like you’re trying too hard.
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes fashionably late to the interview. If you are punctual, then employers will always expect you to be on time.
  • Have your friend do all the talking for you—employers love to get real opinions of you from your friends’ perspective prior to hiring.

Above all be sure to remember one thing! 

It’s April Fools!! 

 Yes yes, you’ve been pranked!

If none of the above statements seemed out of place, please,please, pleeease stop by the Career Planning Center for Drop in hours ASAP

(Every weekday from 1-4pm in Hogan 203) …

We have some serious work to do! #YourLost

Spring is in the air, so get ready for another awesome HC CAREER FAIR!

Spring is in the air, which means it is time to get ready for another jam packed  HC CAREER FAIR!

This year the Career Planning Center has put together an amazing fair full of FORTY-SEVEN organizations ready to meet and greet with Holy Cross students …Yes that means YOU! SAVE THE DATE because WEDNESDAY APRIL 2nd is right around the corner, so why not take some time to find out if  you are ready?

Career fairs are a phenomenal opportunity to:
− Network with multiple organizations in a single visit.
− Demonstrate your communication & interpersonal skills.

Lets go over some helpful tips for coming prepared to a campus career fair!

1. Do your homework!

               Before the fair, you can review the online directory of employers and their job opportunities by clicking HERESpend a little time getting some background on an organization so you can ask very focused and specific questions. This will impress representatives because it shows you have a genuine interest in their organization.

2. Bring Your Resume!

              Recruiters meet with a lot of people and try as they might they cant remember them all. Once again, it’s time to dust off your resume and make sure it is in tip top condition. Make sure it is current and that it sends a clear, concise picture of who you are and what you have to offer. Bring your resume to leave with each employer to ensure that they remember you! If you need help, stop by the Career Planning Center for a same-day Drop-In Session which occurs M-F from 1:00-4:00pm.

3. Practice Marketing Yourself!

              Practice, practice, practice. Get together with a friend and practice answering basic interview questions. You should be prepared if someone asks you something like “Tell me about yourself,” or “What kind of position are you looking for?” This is why tip #1 is important because you can develop a list of questions you want to ask each organization. One of the best ways to look prepared and professional is showing up with thoughtful, intelligent questions!

4. Dress the part!

First impressions are important.When you go to the career fair on Wednesday April 2nd, you will not see people walking around in jeans and t-shirts and you don’t want to be the one person who does. A career fair is your chance to make a good first impression with a potential new employer so make sure you look well groomed, and carry your materials in a professional folder or portfolio.

5. Be confident & never leave empty handed!

             A career fair is no place to be shy and timid. The best way to make a lasting impression is by being assertive. Approach the companies that interest you, make eye contact and introduce yourself with a firm handshake. Take the initiative and tell them about yourself and why you are interested in their company. Tie in what you know about their company from your research to the type of job you are seeking. Whatever you do, don’t leave a company booth without getting a business card and company brochure. This might be the only opportunity you have to meet with the recruiter face to face and you will want his or her contact information later.

With these quick tips you’ll be sure to land a connection with a company of interest! One last thing to keep in mind is the Follow up! After the fair is over, remember to thank whoever you spoke with for taking the time to speak with you, reiterate your strengths, and let them know that you’re interested and would like to follow up in the near future.


OK now go out there, follow these tips and score big! 

The Dangers of Social Media: Ways to Use and not Abuse your favorite websites!

You’ve probably heard of “social media” right? Its a buzz word that has been going around for years now after popular sites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and more have surfaced as avenues for people to express who they are and how they feel to others around the world. The odds are so great that I’m willing to wager that both you and I have used a social media site today or will use one within minutes of reading this!

And if we use them…GUESS WHAT?! SO DO EMPLOYERS!

“A survey commissioned by the online employment website CareerBuilder has found that 37 percent of hiring managers use social networking sites to research job applicants, with over 65 percent of that group using Facebook as their primary resource.” -huffingtonpost.com

The same survey also showed that, “only 15 percent of companies had policies in place that explicitly prohibited human resources department from using the sites as a hiring resource.”

Bottom Line:  Whether you like it or not, companies are using social networks to screen job applicants. The hirers usually use these sites in order to get a more personal view of a candidate, rather than the resume-like view they will see on LinkedIn. This means that it is important to carefully manage your image on these types of sites. Lets take a second to make sure you’re using these sites appropriately and not HURTING your chances of nailing that dream job or internship!

2 Things you want to remain aware of while using the internet in a social way…

     Remember that what you put online can be saved, traced and used against you. You should stay clear of posting the party photos from St. Patty’s weekend online if you care about a potential employer seeing them. At the very least you should be aware of your privacy settings and what you’re allowing people to access from your accounts.
  2.  Facebook & Twitter can ruin you!

    Though there are many sites online nowadays,..these are the most popular and by contrast the most dangerous! No one is trying to strip these popular social media sites of their valor, but proceed with caution. Regularly check your privacy settings and THINK before you post. On the CareerBuilder survey it was reported that 76% of employers use both of these sites to consider a candidate. Take home message: BE SMART!


Hirers are looking at the social networking profiles of candidates. This means that YOU, the  job seeker, need to have your online act in order before you begin looking for a job.

P.S: Take a look at this really easy and cool breakdown of the CareerBuilder survey results

Still interested? Check out this cool blog featured on Forbes’ website on ways to use social media to land a job. –> CLICK HERE

Spring up and Finish strong!

Gearing up for the last run of the semester. Its March and the weather (contrary to the mini blizzard we received this morning) is turning around! So why not take the time to do some turning around of your own and make sure your’e not stuck in the winter rut? With spring around the corner, it’s a good time to do some cleaning up and reevaluating where you want to be in your career endeavors moving forward. 

Here are some quick tips to keep you ahead:

  • Research: Whether you are applying for an internship or full-time position, researching companies before you apply is essential. Many corporate websites feature a “Career” section, so take a look at what kind of positions are available and what qualifications they require. Also, check out our very own Crusader Connections to see what positions are available to you. (We post A LOT of jobs/internships for you!)
  • It’s March, Rip the RunwayNo we don’t mean the actual runway…there’s no Tyra Banks here … rather, invest in some staple business outfits so you are ready to roll for upcoming interviews or networking events. Remember that the “What not to wear ghost from our October blog post still has its eye on you, so check back to see what appropriate clothing you should have at your disposal. You want to be all set once those call backs start coming in!
  • Seniors –APPLY APPLY APPLY! Those words may have left a bad taste in your mouth that even a tasty margarita could not fix, but if you haven’t already, it’s time to start applying. As employers identify their hiring needs they will start to post opportunities! So, keep searching and sending out your resumes & cover letters! P.S. Drop in the Career Planning Center for any career-friendly advice.
  • Internship Seekers: THE TIME IS NOW! Many employers set their deadlines in March. Continue checking internship postings on the Career Center’s website. Schedule an appointment to get started or just to chat!
    • Reach out directly to companies you would like to intern for.
    • Focus on looking for smaller, more local internships.
  • Polish & PlanOne can never proofread their resume too many times. At the very least, you want to make sure to spice up your portfolio during the break. There is never a dull time to have someone else look over and help you polish up your resume/elevator pitch/interview skills. EVEN then you and a friend can exchange ideas for ways to tackle certain interview questions. Take a look at Career Builder’s challenging interview questions –>Top Interview Questions


Career Planning Twitter Alumni-Student Initiative


         Welcome Crusaders to the Twitter Edition of our #CareerPlanningBlog where we’ll be talking all about one of your favorite places to visit, #Twitter and  how it can help you on your path to landing a great internship/job opportunity. 

We all know how fun #twitter is in communicating thoughts, ideas and news! Hash-tag’s have become a huge part of our modern day lingo and many #companies look to twitter as a tool for reaching out to customers and clients as well as sharing information on #JobOpening’s and opportunities available to apply for. You may have thought twitter was all about your friends cleverly communicating every aspect of their life (even the aspects you don’t want to hear about), but in fact 77% of Fortune 500  companies actively use twitter. Why? #ThreeReasons 

                                           1. #Connect With Customers         2.#Visibility            3. #Self-Promotion

You may now be thinking, “So why is Twitter so important for an undergraduate seeking career advice at Holy Cross?”

            Well…Here at the Career Planning Center, we want to educate you about all ways of communication between students and the sources that help provide news/opportunities about exciting careers and internships. As it just so happens, we also have not ONE but TWO twitter accounts @CrusaderCareers & @HCSIP, which we would like to use in the most efficient of ways, so…we have come up with an initiative to better help you reach alumni who are currently in your preferred field.

Here’s what you have to do!

 1. TWEET US. (ANYTHING!) most importantly, we want to hear your questions!

Tweet us your questions using #HCCareerQuestions or #HCCQ and we’ll do our best to have that question answered by an alumni who has experience which can help you in your career endeavors. WHO KNOWS! you might get paired with an alumni who may just land you your next internship at a Fortune 500! 

All you have to do is send a simple Tweet. Here are some possible questions asked by completely imaginary HC Students:

@HCSophomore23: Hey I’m interested in marketing and advertising, what internships are out there for me? #HCCareerQuestions

@KingoftheHill77: Hi, Is there a place I can find out more about Business Programs at the Graduate School level? #HCCQ #HCCareerQuestions

@LarrytheCrusader: I took an internship at GE this summer, can I please connect with someone who has experience with this company? #HCCQ

@MaddieFitzgerald358: Hey I’m a junior interested in entering the fashion and designer world, is there anyone I can contact? #HCCareerQuestions 

So next time you’re daydreaming about where you’ll end up after the hill, or your scrolling down your timeline and run into a question, TWEET US! @CrusaderCareers or @HCSIP. We’ll be happy to answer and/or send it to a Alum in that same field.

Flap your way to sucess!


Recently, I found myself hooked on the latest app sensation, FLAPPY BIRD. I know I’m not alone in this epidemic, as  the demand for the app has gone up and through the roof!! Currently iPhones which have the app installed are selling at $9,000 online!! I’m not sure what exactly it is about this gamehowever, considering people are willing to pay a pretty steep price just to conquer it, I think that makes it news worthy as well as career worthy !!

  • Now you may ask: Why is the intern rambling about Flappy Bird on a Career Planning blog?

Well… I couldn’t help but draw a parallel between the skill sets needed to survive more than 8 rounds of Flappy Bird (My High Score) and successful careers tips for the real world. According to a recent article, featuring CEO Felipe Venetiglio, a few career lessons can be learned from playing the infamous Flappy Bird. Let’s explore…

1.)  Aim HIGH but not too high: “Ambition is great and should always motivate you. But your career choices should be smart and planned or else you might bump your head and need to restart all over again.” In other words, if you  are aiming to be CEO of Microsoft directly after your time on the Hill, just know it is not that easy. Think smart and plan for careers you can honestly see yourself learning and benefiting from. You’ll work toward that CEO position in no time!

2.)  Don’t be afraid of taking risk:  Sure, some obstacles will seem too difficult- but playing it safe will not help you either.  If you are doubting a job choice, come in for Drop-In’s @Career Planning Center #Hogan203 from 1:00-4:00pm or Tweet us @CrusaderCareers / @HCSIP

3.) You might FAIL…then FAIL AGAIN : In Flappy Bird, you are haunted by that little buzzing sound of failure every time you bump into something. No matter how many times you hear that sound, you can not give up! “If careers had high scores you wouldn’t get yours on the 1st,  2nd or 3rd try. Remember to be cool, keep your calm, you’ll get there! Everyone gets stuck at some point but it is continued effort that gets you further!”

4.) Remain Open: Success does not solely hinge on delegating tasks and having your opinion heard, it also depends on listening. Thriving leaders share the ability to hear others’ opinions and remain open to changing their ideas. You may think you’re about to nail the new high score then fall short. The same is true for the internship/job search. Remember to remain open and interested in all opportunities you are presented with… you never know which might land you the job of your dreams!

5.) Make sure you like it: You should want a healthy relationship with your job/ internship. Try not to endure something for its name or position. If you’re in a new internship and dreading the work that you’re doing, let it be a learning experience. You wouldn’t want to apply yourself to a future career that might not be for you.

…So the take away message?

Develop or identify some of these quick tips and find the inner Flappy bird champ in yourself.  You just may flourish in finding success in the job/internship world! Remember to use as many career resources both online on the Career Planning site as well as in the office, Hogan 203!

 PS: If you have never played Flappy Bird, please ask someone  about its addictive qualities… You may just want to try it out yourself..

Battle the Cold! Stay Ahead of the Winter Fold!

Well Hello Crusaders!

Nothing says Welcome to Spring Semester at Holy Cross quite like sub-zero temperatures and snow! While you’re probably wanting to stay under that purple HC Snuggie and sip a nice hot tea to overcome the Antarctic climate that seems to have invaded the hill, lets make the most of this indoor time to push yourself ahead of the pack in your career search. How?. Well here at Career Planning we have some helpful ways to get started.

First up: The Good News → The Average starting salary for graduates has increased 2.6 percent! WOOOO!

 Just Some Motivation Keep on Pushing!!! 

According to a recent report from NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers), the final overall average starting salary for Class of 2013 bachelor’s degree graduates increased 2.6 percent to $45,633 from the final overall average of $44,482 for the Class of 2012. The current overall average starting salary is boosted by the 2.9 percent increase to humanities and social sciences majors’ and a 2.3 percent bump to the average salary of business majors. 

Adapted from www.naceweb.org

…Now what should you do?

  • Come to Career Planning!! #Hogan203

    • Career Planning manages our connections to employers & maintains Crusader Connections, so this is the place to go for internship/job hunting
    • Drop-in Hours are Monday thru Friday 1-4PM
      • Drop-ins are appointments for quick career questions or edits to a resume or cover letter
    • Stop by Hogan 203 or call (508) 793-3880 to make a brief appointment with a career counselor
      • Whether you want to create a resume/cover letter or simply discuss career options, these meetings provide the time you need be as successful as you can in your Career endeavors!
  • Make Connections & Network!
    • Make yourself aware of company info tables and career nights & practice the ins and outs of forging connections
    • Meet alums at the 2014 Practice with the Pros (2/12, Hogan 320, 5-7pm) RSVP via Crusader Connections
    • Reach out to alumni & learn about their career paths using the Career Advisor’s Network
  • Go DIGITAL (you can stay in your Snuggie for this one…)
    • As the “Facebook for the business world” LinkedIn is a social media outlet where you want to establish an online presence
    • Make or update your LinkedIn Profile (Education, Activities, Job/Internships, Honors/Awards, etc.)
    • Connect with friends, family, past co-workers, neighbors, etc.—Even if you think you can’t relate to Uncle Ron’s career as a dog hair groomer, still request him on LinkedIn…Uncle Ron might be grooming the dog for the CEO of your dream company!
    • Remember: Many employers search for you on other social media platforms, so adjust privacy settings & be cautious about posting or tagging yourself to things you wouldn’t want employers to see  (i.e: Your friend’s raging 1st Weekend Back Party)

    Pick something from the above list & get proactive with your career!

  • Remember, consistently revisiting career oriented blogs and websites is always a good way to kill time when you’re just lounging in bed. If you haven’t already, re-visit the blog post from November on popular Career Search Apps! 

…Now you can hop back in your bed & relax a little… 

…Netflix is always a good remedy for bad weather…

BEAM yourself into the right Career TODAY!

Your friends in Hogan 203 have some BIG NEWS to unveil!

…Drum Roll Pleeeease…

The Holy Cross Career Planning Center is excited to announce our new virtual, 24/7, user-friendly program that helps determine exactly what career is best for you!
Through our continued efforts to meet your career management needs, we have partnered with CareerBeam to bring you the best career development information and the best company and industry research tools, available in the market.
Now you can tap into the hidden market of jobs and internships by accessing over 60 million companies and hundreds of industry segments. CareerBeam also allows you to identify millions of international companies in more than 170 countries.

A few highlights and features now available to you include:

  • Research on hundreds of Industries. Access to information such as recent developments, business challenges, trends and opportunities on hundreds of industry segments – get current financial information and insights as well.
  • Job Postings. The most updated job posting databases containing millions of jobs from multiple sources including internships, entry-level, professional and executive jobs. Postings are continuously authenticated to remove outdated postings and you can create alerts and find connections through social media.
  • Self-evaluation.Take a look at who you are today. CareerBeam’s unique career assessment tools factor in your values, temperament, interests and personality to help you develop — and achieve — career goals.
  • Create professional resumes and cover letters. Whether you are writing a first-time resume or updating a previous one, use CareerBeam for building an accomplishment-based resume and cover letter.
  • Prepare for Interview and Beyond. Review interview questions with tips on answers; view videos of effective responses; or record your own answers for review and feedback.
  • Networking & Social Media.  Social media integration allowing users to leverage their contacts in Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to network and identify potential connections and positions.

How do I use CareerBeam?

  1. Take up to fifteen assessments/exercises that combine to produce a personalized Career Profile report.
  2. Research 60 million companies, 70 million industry contacts, in-depth industry profiles, detailed occupational intelligence, and firms in over 170 different countries.
  3. Access 24/7 for everything you need related to your career, all in one.

To self-register and begin using the CareerBeam service, CLICK HERE.

Turkeys need Cover Letter’s too!

So it is the week before ThanksgivinBreak!

A great time for food, family and football. (Wooo!) But before we go, your friends in Hogan 203 have some news to share concerning our old buddy Thomas the turkey.

For those who have never met Thomas, he’s a professional Turkey who comes out every November to remind students to use their break by applying to jobs & internships!

Thomas has applied to his one big gig of the year, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Check out his cover letter below and be sure to check out how it matches up with the resume he made last using this link –> http://careerplanning.me.holycross.edu/2012/11/

So in the spirit of the holiday, take a look at Thomas Turkey’s resume and see how yours shapes up in comparison!

Thomas Turkey

1843 Your Dinner Table Road                          




Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Inc.

Float Model Manager

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2013

New York, NY


Dear Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Inc.:

Ever since I was a younger turk, my family praised the joy of Thanksgiving. Having the opportunity to be out on the float and share that experience with viewers all around the world is a task I would be honored to do. Timmy Turkey, Director of Turkey Relations suggested that I contact you regarding the open Float Model position available at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2013. My educational background at Holy Cross, along with my professional experience as a Turkey, makes me an excellent candidate for this position.

I have more than 5 years of experience in the field of float modeling . My resume shows that I have been consistently volunteering at Big Turkey, Little Turkey since 2009. While volunteering there I mentored young turkeys and last year I lead an entire 5K race right down Madison Ave for underprivileged turkeys and raised $2000. The experience of planning such a successful and charitable event was a direct result of my commitment to professional excellence . In my spare time while at Holy Cross, I was editor of the weekly newspaper titled, The Crusader. I created a “Vegan Corner” column in the paper for students to participate in healthier eating choices while at the college. This healthy lifestyle column reflects my passion for maintaining a nice figure around the holidays. I do not want this position solely due to my ability to look good on a dinner plate. My years of experience coupled with my passion for exuding thanksgiving culture well qualify me for the float model position in the Macy’s parade.

I look forward to meeting you to further discuss employment opportunities with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2013. If you have questions, or if you want to schedule an interview, please contact me at tomturkeytastebetter@gmail.com.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Thomas Turkey

10 Mobile Apps you want to download to keep you in the loop on careers!

Hey Crusaders,

           Welcome back to this week’s Career Planning blog sponsored by your friends in Hogan 203. As you may be aware, we are looooong past the Jurassic age when people used the yellow pages to search for things and carried around beepers. We are right in the mist of the booming tech era and if you haven’t noticed EVERYONE NOW HAS A SMARTPHONE! So why not use this “smart” phone to make smart decisions regarding your career search? Today’s job seeker must be on the hunt for new opportunities 24/7 to maintain a competitive advantage over other candidates. But to do so successfully, job seekers must have constant access, both at home and on the go To help you ready your device, we have compiled a short list of FREE apps that may be worth installing if you want to get a job or internship in this century.

Job Search Apps

1  CareerBuilder AppJobs by CareerBuilder.com (FREE): This free app brings the power of CareerBuilder.com straight to your mobile device, giving you instant access to search and apply to nearly 2 million job postings on CareerBuilder.com, the largest job site in the US.

2    Monster Jobs AppMonster.com Jobs (FREE): In addition to feeding the latest job postings from Monster.com, this free app lets you take your Monster.com account with you on the go so that you can apply directly to new listings right from your mobile device.

3 Indeed Jobs AppJob Search by Indeed.com (FREE): Indeed is a powerful job search aggregator that collects job listings from all the major job search engines and job boards into one convenient location for you to review.

4 LinkUp AppJob Search Engine by LinkUp.com (FREE): LinkUp’s unique search engine, updated daily, lists only jobs that are found on company and employer websites. This helps you uncover the hidden job market of opportunities not publicly advertised on the major job search engines.

5 SimplyHired AppSimply Hired (FREE): Simply Hired is one of the largest job search engines, aggregating job postings from across the web, including major job search engines, online newspapers, company websites and more.

6 SnagaJob AppSnagAJob (FREE): SnagAJob is a top-ranked search engine for full-time and part-time hourly positions throughout the US. This free app provides you immediate access to their database of new job listings.

7 JobAware AppJobAware (FREE): JobAware app allows you to search jobs in cities near you leveraging the iPhone’s GPS and helps you organize and track your progress throughout the job application process. It also offers salary comparisons for hundreds of occupations, LinkedIn account integration to help you take advantage of your network and job search advice from top career experts.

8 JobCompass AppJobCompass (FREE): JobCompass uses the iPhone’s GPS to find open positions within a given radius of the area you are in. In addition to providing job description information, this app also allows you to apply directly from your phone.

9 SnapDat Digital Business Cards (FREE): SnapDat is the #1 app for designing and sending digital business cards directly from your iPhone! You can create unlimited digital business cards with a provided template or picture and can email it instantly to your contact’s address

10 Interview Prep Questions App (FREE): Interview Prep is a fully-featured flash card app that prepares you for dozens of job interview questions. Each question is accompanied by suggestions that will help you answer these tough questions.


Remember to stop by the Career Planning Center’s Drop-In hours, M-F between 1-4pm if you find a job or internship and have questions or concerns before applying.

                        Now there are HUNDREDS of apps that can help you and you’re encouraged to look at all of them. We know that you’re all busy being Holy Cross students and all so if you only have time to search ten, then these are the ones you’ll want to search. Now you can take your career search mobile by using these incredible apps anywhere!…Except during class! Now GO!


#CareerPlanningCenter   #10AppstoDownload   #Careers