22 Companies Hiring RIGHT NOW.

It’s easy to get caught up in the doom & gloom outlook on the economy, especially without a job offer in hand.  However, there are employment opportunities available across industry lines.  Many companies are still hiring and some, like the 22 listed below, in large volumes.

This list was compiled from listings on careerpath.com. According to the site, they are all looking to hire now, so stop by drop-in hours to polish off that resume and cover letter soon!

1. Starbucks
Number of jobs: 13,000 (retail) 400+ (professional services)
Sample job titles: Retail, information technology, supply chain operations and finance

2. Amazon.com
Number of jobs: 3,000+
Sample job titles: Software development engineers, product managers, operations managers, and communications and product marketing managers

3. The Boeing Company
Number of jobs: More than 500; expects to onboard about 11,000 people

Sample job titles: Engineering, airplane manufacturing, cyber security and intelligence and business functions like finance

4. Citibank
Number of jobs: 2,500
Sample job titles: Customer service, personal banker, home lending specialist, business development officer — commercial banking

5. Adventist Health System
Number of jobs: 2,500+
Sample job titles: Allied health professionals, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, registered nurses

6. Time Warner Cable
Number of jobs: 500+
Sample job titles: Direct sales reps, customer service reps, technicians and IT and engineering

7. State Farm Insurance
Number of jobs: 2,600
Sample job titles: Actuarial, agency department, banking, claims, creative services, customer service, information technology/systems, legal/litigation, public relations/communications, underwriting

8. Deloitte
Number of jobs: 3,300
Sample job titles: Client service professionals in all business segments including accounting, assurance and advisory, risk, tax, strategy, financial, technology and human capital

9. URS
Number of jobs: 4,300
Sample job titles: Engineering, logistics/supply/procurement, business operations/admin/IT, construction, project/program management, aviation, environmental/sciences, health and safety/homeland security operations and maintenance

10. ADP
Number of jobs: 2,000+
Sample job titles: Sales, implementation, JAVA development, client services, HR

11. T-Mobile USA
Number of jobs: 1,000+
Sample job titles: Retail sales, business sales, corporate and technology

12. Humana Inc.
Number of jobs: 2,200
Sample job titles: Various, including sales, pharmacy, nurses, physicians, service operations, IT

13. Bridgestone Retail Operations
Number of jobs: 1,000+
Sample job titles: Retail sales managers, service managers, automotive technicians, master technicians

14. Universal Health Services
Number of jobs: 1,500+
Sample job titles: Accounting, allied health, education, executives (CEO, CFO, CNO, COO), food and nutritional services, healthcare–rehab, ICU, IT, L&D, nursing and office/clerical

15. Koch Industries
Number of jobs: 1,000
Sample job titles: Engineers, IT, operations

16. Black and Veatch
Number of jobs: 500
Sample job titles: Mechanical and electrical engineers, project managers

17. Advanced Technology Services
Number of jobs: 1,000+
Sample job titles: Manufacturing maintenance technicians — field service representatives

18. Burns & McDonnell
Number of jobs: 300
Sample job titles: Civil and environmental engineers, project managers

19. Gentiva Home Health and Hospice
Number of jobs: 1,800+
Sample job titles: Home health and hospice registered nurses, home health and hospice LPNs, nurse management, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, occupational therapist assistants, single site and multi-site operation management, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, sales executives

20. USA
Number of jobs: 320+
Sample job titles: Install technicians, customer service, IT tech

21. Certified Payment Processing
Number of jobs: 366
Sample job titles: Sales/account management

22. Bayada Home Health Care
Number of jobs: 300+
Sample job titles: Nursing, assistive care, therapies, medical social work, rehabilitation, hospice, non-clinical support and marketing/sales

(Original source.)

Skype Interviewing 101

Whether you’re applying to internships while studying abroad or applying for a job far away, you may have to participate in a Skype interview this spring.  Skype is a great opportunity for connecting you to these opportunities, but it poses some unique concerns.  To address these issues, I turned to Jenny Foss of JobJenny.com, who describes herself as “Your job search BFF and tough love expert on finding career passion.”

Her tips for using Skype may help you move from a virtual interview to a real job offer!

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10 Tips to Shred the Competition in your Skype interview (by Jenny Foss)

You may already know this, but allow me to reiterate: corporate HR has discovered Skype. And they’re using it with increasing frequency to interview candidates. It’s cheaper than flying you in, and it’s more personal than a phone call.

Welcome to your huge advantage in the job search. Do use it accordingly. Even if you’re not job searching, these tips are helpful for any Skype calls you do, including informal interviews and networking.

If you’re competing with older candidates for your dream job, they may very well have the “years’ experience” edge. But if you’re already comfortable using Skype? You really, truly could outshine that senior level candidate if he or she is “green” with this technology.

Of course, you must then make this your mission. Outshine, friend. Outshine.

To ensure this mission is successful, here are 10 tips to help you shred the competition on your next Skype interview:

  1. When confirming the interview, provide your Skype account name. Show the interviewer that you’re comfortable with the technology right from the start. Also, ask if you are to dial them, or if they will call you. No sense starting off on this weird note.
  2. If your Skype name is cutesy or unprofessional, set up another account. And not MadSkillz or HireMaddie. Just your name, please. Or something close to it if yours is already taken.
  3. Practice first. I recognize that this might sound obvious, but you’d be amazed by how many people don’t do it. Dial up a friend, relative or professional mentor and run through a few mock questions. Check the audio levels, make sure the room lighting looks normal
  4. Get the eye contact thing down. This can feel a little strange on Skype, but eye contact is VERY important in an interview. Be sure and look into the webcam a large portion of the time. You’ll be tempted to stare at the screen, because that’s where the interviewer’s image appears. But if you look there the whole time? It will come across that you’re looking down the entire time. Eye contact. A must
  5. Don’t even think about doing it in a coffee shop. Quiet, clean room. Absolutely no environmental hustle and bustle, none.  Oh, and when I say “quiet, clean room?” Assume I mean “quiet, clean room with no weird crap in the background. (Editor’s note: Career Planning has rooms you can book to ensure you have a quiet space to conduct your interview!)
  6. Silence any other phone or potentially interrupting technologies before the interview. That’d be your cell phone, your land line and any other audible alerts that could pop up on your computer during the call.
  7. Go professional, but remember you’re probably sitting at home. Some professionals will argue me on this, but I think that, for most positions, it’s unnecessary to get all spiffed out in an “interview suit” for a Skype interview. “Hi, I’m sitting in my apartment in pinstripes. Just a regular old day here.” It just seems odd to me. Absolutely look polished, ironed and professional (and wear pants, for heaven’s sake,) but I say suit is not required (unless, of course, you’re in the running for some big Wall Street or CPA gig, then yes, probably.)
  8. Prepare in the exact same way that you would for a face-to-face interview. Research the company, the industry and the players with whom you’ll be interviewing. Come to the interview with thoughtful questions related to these. Listen. Listen. Listen. And then answer questions calmly and succinctly. Smile. Just like you’d do in person.
  9. Don’t panic if you have a dropped connection. More than likely, the interviewer already knows that this happens sometimes with a Skype call. In the event it happens on your interview? Take a couple of deep breaths and wait for him or her to re-connect. If five minutes passes and he or she doesn’t? Redial.
  10. Say thank you. And do so while you’re looking at that webcam.

Finally: pat yourself on the back when it’s over. Your comfort level with newer technologies like Skype may well help you land the dream job!

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More questions on interviewing? Check out more online resources on how to interview including behavioral interviews and interviewing for shy people. You can also set up a mock interview with a Career Planning counselor.

Article Source.

Aumni Guest Post: Matt Harper ’11

This semester we kick off the Alumni Guest Post series with a story by Matt Harper ’11, who is living and working in Belize as part of the International Jesuit Volunteer Corps!

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Matt Harper '11 (second from left) at graduation

I have been in Belize City, Belize (in Central America) for about four months as part of the international branch of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.  I work in the youth facility of the Belize Central Prison. My job description says, “Teach literacy and math.” It should probably say, “Be present, teach if you can.” Each day is an adventure and I am constantly learning.

How did I end up here?

It wasn’t until my senior year began that I realized I had much to learn and to experience about the world.  I neglected some very significant opportunities made available to me while I was at Holy Cross; I think my ego kept me from committing myself to the greater service of Worcester. I fooled myself into thinking I had figured something out which thus no longer required me to have direct personal experience with other people’s struggles, poverty and pain.

This was the kindling for my decision to join the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Now, allow me to give a quick summary of the other factors that influenced my decision-making process:

I wanted to get involved with service work because I knew I needed to humble myself, needed to realize that I can’t always do or “fix” things.

I wanted to spend time abroad not because the US can’t provide what I’ve found in Belize but because I believed I would ultimately return home to address the many problems in our own country. I still believe I will return home in two years, but who knows where the whispers of God within me might call me.

I wanted something that focused on spirituality not because I’ve “figured” anything spiritual out, quite the contrary actually. We are spiritual beings and I wanted to finally take that part of me seriously.

I wanted something grounded in community because I often cannot see further than myself, and that hurts everyone. I believed there would be great value in the intentional challenge and support that real community could provide. (I was right!)

Finally, I wanted to improve my ability to see and work for justice in our world. I saw that justice is more about how a person views the world and the actions that come from this foundation more than it is about a person’s words – and I often have a lot of words! I knew I had to simply be with others and shut my yapper for a while.

Truth: I’m still working on all of this.

In addition to my work in the prison, I live in a community with six other people. We share our money, make decisions together, take responsibility for ourselves, each other and our house. We challenge and support each other (aiming to do so through love) in the hope that we can grow together as well as in our own specific ways.

In applying for IJVC, I wanted a challenge that would make it possible for me to positively “confront” all the many aspects of myself that I had previously neglected while simultaneously building relationships with those I am “serving.” Those two things are more interconnected than I could have imagined.

Leaving Holy Cross has made what it gave me all the more tangible.  I was supported and challenged by faculty, staff and students who constantly encouraged me to look a little deeper; I was given countless opportunities to take a stand for something;  I had unimaginable resources; I was asked to search for myself and to consider how I will serve the greater glory of God…the list goes on, and no words can capture fully what Holy Cross gifted to me. Each experience has been so important in getting me to this point as will each well into the future.

I have no doubt—and I feel peace knowing—that Holy Cross will be with me and I with it forever.

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Did this story resonate with you?

Learn more about the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.

Check out other volunteer opportunities with Career Planning.

Internship Opportunities for Summer 2012

Since 1980 SEO has provided underrepresented college students of color with paid summer internships leading to full-time jobs. More than 30 years later, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans are still underrepresented in many top entry level jobs.

SEO Internships are open to underrepresented undergraduates of color who will graduate from a 4-year accredited U.S. college or university. SEO internships are open to ALL majors. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA without exception.

Please review the following website for more detail by program/internship area:


Eligibility is based on graduation date not class standing or credits. (When in doubt consider the date after which you would be available to start a full-time job or law school.) SEO defines class years as follows:

Sophomore – Will have one more summer in addition to the SEO Summer before graduating

Junior – Will graduate in the winter or spring after the SEO Summer (after one or two semesters)

Senior – Will graduate before SEO Summer Begins

There are opportunities for international students as described below. International students must have an F-1 visa and remaining CPT or OPT work authorization

Junior international students with F-1 visa and CPT or OPT remaining are eligible for Asset Management, Investment Banking, Sales & Trading and Technology (Banking).

Sophomore international students are only eligible for Technology (Banking).

Qualifications: Minimum GPA 3.0. Class 2012, 2013, and 2014 ALANA students.

To Apply: Please apply directly to organization website: https://app.applyyourself.com/?id=seo AND apply via Crusader Connections at https://www.holycross-csm.symplicity.com/students Please indicate in your cover letter to which internship you are applying.

Deadline: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 no later than 11:59 p.m. EST

For more information please visit http://www.seo-usa.org/career/

Career Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Happy 2012, Holy Cross!

Personally, I’ve always found New Years resolutions exciting: the potential of the best year yet, the hope of doing better.  That being said, I’m not the best at keeping them. But with graduation around the corner, I’ve been thinking a lot about my career and what I need to do to succeed in my first job.  In reading up on this topic, I’ve come across some easy-to-accomplish resolutions that would advance any student’s career.

"I resolved to advance my career!"

Raise your hands for success!

1. Explore. Check out available jobs on Crusader Connections; search through career exploration websites (like these); talk to alumni in a field that sounds cool; consult a trusted professor about potential career paths; Google “careers which involve [something that interest you]” … the possibilities are endless.

2. Find a mentor or two. The counselors in Career Planning are always available for consultation, but think about others too: professors, coaches, family members, a former manager at your summer internship…someone who you can bounce ideas off of and who can point you in the direction of resources.

3. Educate yourself. This is the big one. Yes, we’re in school. Yes, we have enough homework for the next four years. However, I can speak from experience when I say that while the education we receive at Holy Cross is invaluable, it is not enough. In both my internship in journalism in Washington, D.C. and in Human Resources this past summer I was at a disadvantage given my little knowledge of technology. Take 5 minutes a day to watch YouTube videos on programs/technologies you’re unfamiliar with. You should know how to do basic commands in Excel (beyond addition and subtraction); Mail Merge in Microsoft Word, and how to use PowerPoint before your first day on the job.

4. …and get more familiar with social media. Yes,  you’re addicted to Facebook.  No, that does not make you an expert on social media.  Are you familiar with RSS feeds? SEO? Do you know how to use Twitter? Are you on LinkedIn? (Psst look for a post soon on how to use LinkedIn better!) According to the Boston Globe, “Familiarity with social media is increasingly important as companies are turning to sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to conduct business, connect with customers, and screen job candidates.” Again, taking a bit of time to learn how these technologies are changing business will make you a more viable candidate.

5. Have fun! Take interesting classes; join organizations that matter to you; take part in an immersion program. Take note of what interests you and how you can incorporate it into your career. Pursuing your passions is a key to professional success!

Need help meeting any of these resolutions? Come into Career Planning to make 2012 a successful one!

Related articles:
“Increasingly, basic job skills aren’t so basic”  in The Boston Globe.
“Five Resolutions to Boost Your Career” on divine carol.


Tell Me About Yourself

The Grandaddy of them all. The dreaded Tell Me About Yourself interview opener.  Don’t end the interview before you have even begun.  This video provides some helpful tips.

Alumni Guest Post: Gordon Wong ’11

This week hear from Gordon Wong ’11 who sends his greetings from the Windy City!

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Gordon Wong '11

Truthfully, I miss Holy Cross very much and there are many days where I find myself thinking back on probably the four best years of my life. However, there is one thing I do not miss about Holy Cross – the hills!  Chicago has absolutely no hills!  I’m not complaining.

I’m in Chicago this year because I’ve decided to dedicate my first year out of Holy Cross serving as a volunteer with Amate House.

Many people have asked me why I decided to dedicate a year of service.  I always knew that I was going to participate in a year of service, and more importantly in a faith-based service program.  Participating in this year of service was just one way for me to continue the mission of Holy Cross.

To apply my knowledge I wanted to serve and I wanted to serve in Chicago.  There is no city like it and I am just as much in love with Chicago as I was with Holy Cross when I first arrived there for a tour.  Chicago has become my new campus and I don’t want to waste a moment here.

Amate House is the young adult volunteer program for the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago.  It is similar to other post-graduate volunteer programs such as Jesuit Volunteer Corps, JVC-Northwest, and AmeriCorps.  For 28 years now, Amate House has provided opportunities for over 30 young adults to serve throughout Chicago, while living together in a community of peers, and participating in educational opportunities and faith formation.  These volunteers seek to form mutual relationships with our neighbors – to work with and for people in some of the city’s most under-resourced communities. (For more information I invite you to visit http://www.amatehouse.org/).

I am a community organizer with Mercy Housing Lakefront’s Tenant Leadership department.  MHL is a nationwide housing organization and I work with supportive housing tenants.  My service is in the form of building relationships and a listening ear as they discuss issues in the community.  As an organizer my job is to empower the tenants in MHL, to take ownership of an issue, and to take action.

I wish I could tell you what our campaign is going to be about but I can’t—not yet.  Organizing takes time and the efforts of the tenants and me are just starting to surface.  It’s only a matter of a few weeks till we unveil our campaign.

I love my job.  It’s a humble position I have and it’s not a job where I can measure success quantitatively; the success comes in the forms of relationships and in seeing a tenant grow as their leader.

I’ll end my post with one of my favorite phrases from Fr. McFarland.  He says that Holy Cross is here to help students meet there “tremendous potential.”  Holy Cross started that for me.  I believe that the work I’m doing here in Chicago and with the tenants of MHL is to do what Fr. McFarland says.  I believe that the tenants I work with have tremendous potential to enact change in their communities and I’m just lucky enough to be able to be there with them.

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Did this story resonate with you?

Inspired to do service work after graduation? Check out opportunities inCareer Planning or with the Chaplains’ Office.

Road Trips to the Real World

This winter break, join the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers on “Road Trips to the Real World.”

The program provides “an opportunity for undergraduate students to learn first hand about a career field, network with employees and explore internship and job opportunities” from Williamsburg, VA all the way to Portland, ME.

All majors are welcome! Registration opens November 21, 2011 at 9:00 a.m and closes on December 2, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Site visits take place in January 3-13, 2012. A full schedule and descriptions of site visits will be posted within the first two weeks of November.

The program boasts a diverse list of sites, including the Association of American Publishers, City Year, Deloittee, the Philadelphia Zoo.  According to the website, “at each site you will get an in depth look at how the business operates and see first hand the potential jobs that are out there. You will also network with employees and get a head start on your career choice. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss!”

Interested in learning more? Check out the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers website for more information.

Alumni Guest Post: Alana DiPesa ’09

This week hear from Alana DiPesa ’09 and her career development from JVC to graduate school!

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Alana DiPesa '09

I graduated from Holy Cross in 2009 and did what any graduate without definite post-graduate goals would do in an economic recession, volunteer!

I had always wanted to do a year of service after graduation but the lack of job prospects made it all the more appealing once my senior year rolled around. I applied to a couple of international programs and then on a whim applied to the national Jesuit Volunteer Corps. I felt like everyone who volunteered from Holy Cross did JVC, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to follow that path, but the recruiters talked a lot about the JVC community that I would be a part of long after my year of service was over and that appealed to me because it sounded a lot like the Holy Cross community that I had come to love.

I eventually chose JVC over the international programs and was placed at a Sanctuary for Families, a nonprofit working to combat domestic violence in Brooklyn, NY.  I loved the year I volunteered for Sanctuary as a paralegal in their immigration department; I became so passionate about the undocumented clients we served and felt as though I had found my life’s work.  When Spring engulfed New York I realized my time at Sanctuary would have to end; I was not only saddened to leave the job I had come to love, I was terrified about what I would do next and how it would ever compare.

The first thing I did to begin my job hunt was talk to all of my colleagues and supervisors with

With the JVC Community

whom I had built strong relationships.  I told them what kind of work I was interested in, gave them a copy of my resume, and asked that they send it along to any of their contacts who might be hiring.  I got a lot of positive responses and a couple of interviews from this alone.

In the meantime, though, I had also made my interest in staying at Sanctuary clear to my bosses and I wound up getting hired on as a Family Reunification Coordinator after my year of service was completed.  This new role was a promotion from the work I had been doing as a paralegal and a huge challenge as I began running the reunification program almost entirely on my own.  I was responsible for assisting the children of our clients who were still living abroad apply for visas, and upon approval, enter the U.S.

As Family Reunification Coordinator I was privy to some of the most intimate interactions that families had; I witnessed the joy upon initial reunification, the fear of inadequacy that mothers who had been without their children for as much as 10 years felt, the disappointment that these children experienced when they realized that their vision of America was a far cry from the life they would be living, and the inevitable arguments that ensued.  It was this exposure to family dynamics that convinced me of what I wanted to do next: I was going to follow in my mother’s footsteps and become a child and family therapist.

Hanging out with friends from JVC

I had come to love my work schedule so much that I was not thrilled about becoming a full-time student again, but I knew that it was the only way to get to where I wanted to be.  I started researching clinical Social Work programs and decided on the Smith School for Social Work because their program would allow me to work at an internship for the majority of the year and only be in classes during the summers.  I completed my first two semesters of classes this past summer and now I’m working at the Yale Child Study Center in New Haven, CT providing therapy to children and families affected by HIV/AIDS.

I’ve had a taste of everything since graduating from Holy Cross: volunteering, working full-time, and now being back in graduate school. I didn’t plan for my post-graduate years to work out this way, but I can’t imagine it haven’t gone any smoother.

I finally understand what the career counselors were trying to get through to me when I was an undergrad: networking is everything! If I hadn’t made the contacts that I did through my year of service as a Jesuit Volunteer I wouldn’t have landed a dream job afterward and I also wouldn’t have heard about the Smith Social Work program nor had people to write references for me.  Making connections and building rapport with new people that you meet is so much more important than I ever realized while I was at Holy Cross.

Now, although I’m still making new connections at the Yale Child Study Center, I’m also maintaining my former connections through email updates, coffee dates, and cards around the holidays; you never know when you might want to call up that person you met way back when and ask for a favor, so it’s worth it to make sure they remember you and keep them in your network!

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Did this story resonate with you?

Inspired to do service work after graduation? Check out opportunities in Career Planning or with the Chaplains’ Office.

Think you’re a good flirt?

In talking with friends about job/internship interviews, the number one thing people mention is the nerves.

It makes sense: you’re trying to remember everything you can about the company, to fit your best experiences into the interviewer’s questions and you’re sitting uncomfortably to disguise the stain on your shirt from the coffee you spilled in Cool Beans pre-interview.


It’s a lot to think about, but I think the trick to interviewing well is to take a step back and remember this secret:

If you can flirt, you can interview.






































Flirting is all about letting the other person know you’re interested, while appearing interesting yourself. You’re trying to persuade them that you would be a great match without jumping over the table and screaming “CHOOSE MEEEEEEEE!” (Note: desperation does not read well in either professional or social settings.)

Bottom line: you want to let the other party know that you think they got it goin’ on, while letting them know that you got it goin’ on too.

Interviewing is the same thing.

Obviously, your tone, language, content and attire should be different in both situations. Batting your eyelashes, talking about your favorite “That’s What She Said” joke and wearing your latest Forever 21 minidress may work on any given Thursday at Overtime Tap, but a professional  suit and knowledge of the industry are going to get you a lot further in the board room.

That being said, you do want to let your personality show through in an interview.  You don’t want to come off as buttoned up as your suit; you want to show that you’re a real,  interesting, likable person who is not only a great candidate, but would make a great coworker.  Most often recruiters want to hire people that they want to work with.

So how can you translate your flirting skills into interview ones? Some general pointers:

  1. Smile and look the interviewer in the eye. Simple. Effective.
  2. Take your time. If you need a minute to think about a question, simply say “That’s a good question. Let me think about it for a moment.” There’s no harm in pausing. It’s better to collect  your thoughts than to end up rambling for 10 minutes about something off topic. (Ever have this happen to you on a date? It’s uncomfortable.)
  3. Dress up. Again, you get ready for a night out; do same thing for an interview. Just make sure to leave anything you’d wear to the bars stays at home. Tips for guys and girls work-appropriate dress here.
  4. Humor (when appropriate) is good. You have to read the situation with this one; if your interviewer seems welcoming, adding a lighthearted story about your crazy commute at your previous internship (for example) adds another layer of depth to your application. People like people who make them laugh.
  5. Pretend you’re Kanye West. Fake confidence until you feel it. Tap into your inner Kanye for inspiration to be your most confident self. Note that there is a fine line between confident and cocky. Yes you are a great candidate; no you are not God’s gift to accounting/marketing/nonprofits. Remember, likability is important too!
  6. Ask questions. Everyone likes to talk about themselves.  Prepare some questions to ask ahead of time so you’re not at a loss for when the interviewer turns questioning over to you.
  7. Follow up. If you like someone, you’d text or call after to say you enjoyed talking with them, right? Same thing goes with interviews. Send a thank you note or email within 24 hours of the interview and mention something specific you talked about to personalize it further.

Follow these tips and gain confidence to nail that interview! Who knows, you may work up the courage to finally ask out the hottie in your Sociology class as well!

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Want to put these tips to work before the big interview? Schedule a mock interview with Career Planning.