Career Planning Twitter Alumni-Student Initiative


         Welcome Crusaders to the Twitter Edition of our #CareerPlanningBlog where we’ll be talking all about one of your favorite places to visit, #Twitter and  how it can help you on your path to landing a great internship/job opportunity. 

We all know how fun #twitter is in communicating thoughts, ideas and news! Hash-tag’s have become a huge part of our modern day lingo and many #companies look to twitter as a tool for reaching out to customers and clients as well as sharing information on #JobOpening’s and opportunities available to apply for. You may have thought twitter was all about your friends cleverly communicating every aspect of their life (even the aspects you don’t want to hear about), but in fact 77% of Fortune 500  companies actively use twitter. Why? #ThreeReasons 

                                           1. #Connect With Customers         2.#Visibility            3. #Self-Promotion

You may now be thinking, “So why is Twitter so important for an undergraduate seeking career advice at Holy Cross?”

            Well…Here at the Career Planning Center, we want to educate you about all ways of communication between students and the sources that help provide news/opportunities about exciting careers and internships. As it just so happens, we also have not ONE but TWO twitter accounts @CrusaderCareers & @HCSIP, which we would like to use in the most efficient of ways, so…we have come up with an initiative to better help you reach alumni who are currently in your preferred field.

Here’s what you have to do!

 1. TWEET US. (ANYTHING!) most importantly, we want to hear your questions!

Tweet us your questions using #HCCareerQuestions or #HCCQ and we’ll do our best to have that question answered by an alumni who has experience which can help you in your career endeavors. WHO KNOWS! you might get paired with an alumni who may just land you your next internship at a Fortune 500! 

All you have to do is send a simple Tweet. Here are some possible questions asked by completely imaginary HC Students:

@HCSophomore23: Hey I’m interested in marketing and advertising, what internships are out there for me? #HCCareerQuestions

@KingoftheHill77: Hi, Is there a place I can find out more about Business Programs at the Graduate School level? #HCCQ #HCCareerQuestions

@LarrytheCrusader: I took an internship at GE this summer, can I please connect with someone who has experience with this company? #HCCQ

@MaddieFitzgerald358: Hey I’m a junior interested in entering the fashion and designer world, is there anyone I can contact? #HCCareerQuestions 

So next time you’re daydreaming about where you’ll end up after the hill, or your scrolling down your timeline and run into a question, TWEET US! @CrusaderCareers or @HCSIP. We’ll be happy to answer and/or send it to a Alum in that same field.

BEAM yourself into the right Career TODAY!

Your friends in Hogan 203 have some BIG NEWS to unveil!

…Drum Roll Pleeeease…

The Holy Cross Career Planning Center is excited to announce our new virtual, 24/7, user-friendly program that helps determine exactly what career is best for you!
Through our continued efforts to meet your career management needs, we have partnered with CareerBeam to bring you the best career development information and the best company and industry research tools, available in the market.
Now you can tap into the hidden market of jobs and internships by accessing over 60 million companies and hundreds of industry segments. CareerBeam also allows you to identify millions of international companies in more than 170 countries.

A few highlights and features now available to you include:

  • Research on hundreds of Industries. Access to information such as recent developments, business challenges, trends and opportunities on hundreds of industry segments – get current financial information and insights as well.
  • Job Postings. The most updated job posting databases containing millions of jobs from multiple sources including internships, entry-level, professional and executive jobs. Postings are continuously authenticated to remove outdated postings and you can create alerts and find connections through social media.
  • Self-evaluation.Take a look at who you are today. CareerBeam’s unique career assessment tools factor in your values, temperament, interests and personality to help you develop — and achieve — career goals.
  • Create professional resumes and cover letters. Whether you are writing a first-time resume or updating a previous one, use CareerBeam for building an accomplishment-based resume and cover letter.
  • Prepare for Interview and Beyond. Review interview questions with tips on answers; view videos of effective responses; or record your own answers for review and feedback.
  • Networking & Social Media.  Social media integration allowing users to leverage their contacts in Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to network and identify potential connections and positions.

How do I use CareerBeam?

  1. Take up to fifteen assessments/exercises that combine to produce a personalized Career Profile report.
  2. Research 60 million companies, 70 million industry contacts, in-depth industry profiles, detailed occupational intelligence, and firms in over 170 different countries.
  3. Access 24/7 for everything you need related to your career, all in one.

To self-register and begin using the CareerBeam service, CLICK HERE.

Thinking about going global? Well try your luck with PASSPORT CAREER!

Welcome Crusaders to this week’s Career Planning Blog Post…hosted by yours truly in the office of Hogan 203.

This week we are excited to introduce you to the new Passport Career program—your online career resource that will help you to explore opportunities around the world! Yes… THE WORLD!

Whether you’re looking to get away from the cold New England winters or just curious of the wonderful experience interning or working abroad might bring check out PASSPORT CAREER!

Around this time you may be seeking a job, internship, volunteer work, or are studying abroad. In any situation, Passport Career provides extensive resources, guidance, strategies, tools and support to help you make your career move!

Here we have outlined 5 easy tips to getting started with Passport Career:



a. Go to

b. Click on Have a Registration Key? on the upper right corner of the homepage –>

c. Enter this Registration Key (notice: all lowercase & only 1 “s”): HOLYCROS

d. Fill out the brief registration form. Use your school email address (except alumni) to create your login/password for future use and you’re ready to roll!

e. Use your email/password to login in the future.



On the menu bar, you will find quick access to several of the tools available, including the H1B Employer Database for non-Americans seeking jobs or internships in the USA. You will also find a direct link to the International Jobs/Intern Portal, which is updated daily with more than 1,000,000 jobs/internships in 203 countries.


  • To maximize the benefits of Passport Career, we suggest you immediately sign up for the webinar, called Using Passport Career Strategically. This webinar is offered monthly at different times and is an excellent way to help you take advantage of all the Passport Career system has to offer you. Click on Webinars at the top of the page.






  • We suggest that you begin by reviewing the guidance and strategies relevant to your situation in My Global Career Briefcase. Click on the My Briefcase link at the top of the page.4




In order to be successful with your exploration and/or transition, you need to think of Passport Career as your personal career assistant. We suggest that you schedule 15-30 minutes each week to explore further the content, resources and tools. People who use Passport Career regularly have the greatest chance of success with their career goals!


There are many amazing photos and videos of the countries & cities featured throughout Passport Career. There are also more than 15,000 pages of expert career content! Take the time to learn about other places—especially their business culture, which is key (along with strategic networking) to successfully transitioning your career to a new location.


Click on the “HELP” link at the top of the page and fill out the form to send to your request or question OR, you can always send an email to


We want to hear from you!

Let us know how your job/internship search and career transition are moving along. What is working for you? Where do you need more help? What questions do you have? We are here to help you, so be sure to stay in communication with the Career Planning Center, Hogan 203.


7 Things to Get YOUR Job Search Started

Stressed out already about senior year? Don’t know where to start the job search process?

Stop stressing, and listen up! Having worked in the Career Planning Center the past two years, I have gotten the scoop on the recruiting process, and have put together a quick and easy list of essential “to-do’s” before you start applying. Follow these 7 simple steps, and get your job search started on the right foot!

7 things all seniors should do before applying for jobs:

  1. Go to the senior workshop. If you plan on job searching through Holy Cross you must attend one of these sessions, which cover interview skills, behavior, expectations and all of the policies and procedures for recruiting (also see #3). Plus, it’s a great way to meet the new Associate Director of Employer Relations, Maura Hume. Not only is she a Holy Cross grad but she runs the recruiting program. Tip for success: Become her friend and follow her advice.
  2. Update your resume. A fresh, eye-catching, and professional resume is key to landing any interview. It’s the first step in marketing yourself to employers, and giving them a snapshot of what you’ve done at Holy Cross and beyond. We may know how rigorous Holy Cross is, but the resume is key to showing employers the value of a liberal arts education. For examples take a look at this link. Tip for success: Bring your resume into the office during drop-in hours and have a counselor review it. Drop in hours are Monday-Friday 1-4pm.
  3. Check out the new Crusader Connections. Gmail isn’t the only change seniors need to be aware of—Crusader Connections has changed too. You should have received an e-mail about the change before you got back on campus, and it’s essential that you check it out prior to the night you are trying to apply for a job. You can access it through the Holy Cross login screen or on the Career Planning website. Become familiar with the site, how jobs are posted, and how to upload materials. Tip for success: Don’t forget to update your profile, and even try uploading your new crisp resume!
  4. Find or purchase an interview appropriate outfit. Not all professional outfits are the same and the right outfit is essential for your first interview. Not only will it make you feel professional and give you confidence but it sends the right message to employers. Knowing the type of industry you are interviewing with is also key, as not all companies expect a suit. However, when in doubt over-dress, don’t under-dress. Tips for success: Ladies, listen up! Watch out for flashy jewelry, too many rings, earrings, etc; go for close-toed shoes; and keep the nails groomed and professional; no black or neon polish.
  5. Identify career fields, employers, or areas of interest. Always keep your options open, but at this point you should start to get a sense of the type of companies you want to apply to and when they recruit. Generally, large companies start as early as the fall, while small companies and non-profits recruit as jobs become available. Knowing the type of company, industry or culture you are looking for can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of the job postings. Tip for success: Use online resources to research companies, positions, and industries. It’ll help you get a better sense of the job description, company culture, and expectations.
  6. Make an appointment with the Career Planning Center to talk about your game plan. Career Planning is a great resource to have. They have done this countless times and can walk you through the process, tell you about more options, and get you connected to employers and opportunities you didn’t know existed. Tip for success: Do this early, don’t wait until you’re stuck, or pulling your hair out!
  7. Relax! You have time and a multitude of resources at your disposal. Enjoy senior year, do well in your classes, and keep an open mind. Tip for success: Use all your available resources—family, friends, teachers, staff, the internet, and, of course, the Career Planning Center!

This Week’s Deadlines and Events

Employers are hiring!  Apply for a job or two via Crusader Connections!  Visit this week’s Worcester Consortium Career Fair!  Set up an informational interview with a Holy Cross Alumna/us!
Don’t know what you want to do or where to start?
No Problem!  Set up an appointment by calling 508.793.3880 or stopping by Hogan 203.
Tuesday, March 29
Event:  Colleges of Worcester Consortium Career Fair, DCU Center Ballroom from 1-4:30 pm Click here for a list of participating employers and directions
  • Insight Global, Inc. – Training/Account Manager (On-campus Interviews: April 7)
  • Zoom Technical Services – Technical Recruiter  (On-campus Interviews: April 8)
  • Apply via Crusader Connections
Thursday, March 31
  • FactSet Research Systems, Inc. – Market Metrics Analyst (resume referral)
  • Fidelity Investments – Financial Representative (resume referral)
  • Apply via Crusader Connections
Friday, April 1
Don’t be a fool!  Visit us in Career Planning to work on your job search!

We’re always available by appointment (M-F, 9 – 5 – call 508.793.3880 or stop by Hogan 203 to schedule) or visit us on drop-in hours, M-F, 1-4pm, no appointment necessary.

Things to Do over a Long Winter Break

The holidays are over, and winter has definitely settled in.  You have weeks before classes start again, and it’s freezing outside.

Are you bored yet?  Luckily for you, Career Planning can think of a lot of things to do!

Attend a Site Visit
Amica Insurance is putting on an event next Tuesday, January 11th, inviting students to come see what working for them entails.  This two-hour event will be at their corporate headquarters in Lincoln, RI, and it’s a great opportunity to find out about different career paths within the company.  The visit to Amica will include a continental breakfast, a brief information session about the company and a panel discussion with current employees regarding our corporate culture, relocation, career paths and our promote-from-within philosophy.  For more information contact Kerry Feather – if you just want to register ASAP, contact the organizer, Amy Weinstein, via email –  or via telephone 401-874-4043.  Brought to you by the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers – see older post below for more information!

Work on your Resume and have it critiqued

We are here over winter break and will be having Instant Message Drop-In Hours next Wednesday, January 12th, from 1-4 PM via google chat.  Chat with a career counselor about your resume, job search strategy, cover letters, or any other career-related quick question you need answered.  Of course, if you are local and want to come in for an appointment, you can do that too. Call 508-793-3880 to set one up.

Apply for jobs or internships

Have you SEEN Crusader Connections lately?  Lots o’ jobs and internships on there… here are a few INTERNSHIPS with upcoming deadlines:

  • Operations Coordinator, Teach for America
  • Various Summer Positions, Tabor Academy
  • Summer Festival Intern, Jacob’s Pillow Dance
  • Discover KPMG Program, KPMG (NOT just for Accounting and Economics Majors – check it out!)
  • Customer Marketing & Strategy Event Internship – Kraft Sports Group (NE Pats, Revolution, etc.)

…and more! Quick Tip: If you see something you like, apply SOON! Some employers review resumes on an ongoing basis.  Don’t procrastinate and lose out on a great opportunity.

Research employers, network, and plan for the semester

Think of an employer for whom you would love to work, or a type of job you would love to do.  Now go to Career Search, Vault, Going Global,, or any of the other helpful links on our website to research the organization, AND its competitors, who likely have similar positions.
Plan for career fairs and other networking opportunities – check calendars, the Career Planning Facebook page, Calendar, and Blog for dates for off-campus events and helpful career information.

There are many off-campus career fairs coming up in January and February including:

In order to start, or continue networking, update or create a LinkedIn account and start to talk to people about your search. Find alums on the Career Advisor Network as well. Networking WORKS!

Sit at home watching the Food Network and HGTV

Learn how to cook Beef Wellington, or better yet, find out which house in Costa Rica the couple on House Hunters International bought!
(but, unfortunately, unless you are planning to become a realtor or chef, doing these things won’t help you get a job)