Welcome Crusaders to the Twitter Edition of our #CareerPlanningBlog where we’ll be talking all about one of your favorite places to visit, #Twitter and how it can help you on your path to landing a great internship/job opportunity.
We all know how fun #twitter is in communicating thoughts, ideas and news! Hash-tag’s have become a huge part of our modern day lingo and many #companies look to twitter as a tool for reaching out to customers and clients as well as sharing information on #JobOpening’s and opportunities available to apply for. You may have thought twitter was all about your friends cleverly communicating every aspect of their life (even the aspects you don’t want to hear about), but in fact 77% of Fortune 500 companies actively use twitter. Why? #ThreeReasons
1. #Connect With Customers 2.#Visibility 3. #Self-Promotion
You may now be thinking, “So why is Twitter so important for an undergraduate seeking career advice at Holy Cross?”
Well…Here at the Career Planning Center, we want to educate you about all ways of communication between students and the sources that help provide news/opportunities about exciting careers and internships. As it just so happens, we also have not ONE but TWO twitter accounts @CrusaderCareers & @HCSIP, which we would like to use in the most efficient of ways, so…we have come up with an initiative to better help you reach alumni who are currently in your preferred field.
Here’s what you have to do!
1. TWEET US. (ANYTHING!) most importantly, we want to hear your questions!
Tweet us your questions using #HCCareerQuestions or #HCCQ and we’ll do our best to have that question answered by an alumni who has experience which can help you in your career endeavors. WHO KNOWS! you might get paired with an alumni who may just land you your next internship at a Fortune 500!
All you have to do is send a simple Tweet. Here are some possible questions asked by completely imaginary HC Students:
@HCSophomore23: Hey I’m interested in marketing and advertising, what internships are out there for me? #HCCareerQuestions
@KingoftheHill77: Hi, Is there a place I can find out more about Business Programs at the Graduate School level? #HCCQ #HCCareerQuestions
@LarrytheCrusader: I took an internship at GE this summer, can I please connect with someone who has experience with this company? #HCCQ
@MaddieFitzgerald358: Hey I’m a junior interested in entering the fashion and designer world, is there anyone I can contact? #HCCareerQuestions