Snow Day :)

Yesterday we had our first snow day of the year! The campus always looks beautiful in the winter.

Holy Cross is famous for the huge hill that it’s built on. The location is great for sledding! My friends and I decided to go in the evening. Though we were lacking real sleds, flattened cardboard boxes and plastic lids did the trick!

It was a nice break from homework, and good to get some fresh air despite the cold. Outside it was peaceful and quiet, the ground covered in blankets of fresh snow.

The second semester always gets busy quickly. I am currently in Dinand Library, way down in the stacks as I write this post. I have just completed my homework for the creative writing class I’m taking with Professor Xi. I  had to prepare for a writer’s workshop tomorrow, where my classmates and I will discuss our fiction pieces and give each other advice on how to improve.

That’s all for now!