
On Sunday, November 21, I attended the annual Friendsgiving dinner in the Loyola Ballroom hosted by various Multicultural Student Organizations, including Advocating Student Interest in Asia, Black Student Union, Developing and Educating South Asian Ideologies, HCF1RST Scholars, Male Involvement Coalition, Movimiento Estudiantil Progressive Action, Pride, Students of Color in STEM, and The Office of Multicultural Education.

At the event, there was a buffet from Chipotle with a mix of rice, beans, meat, cheese, salsa, veggies, guacamole, and chips, as well as an assortment of drinks and desserts. Chris Campbell, Amie Archambault, and OME student interns facilitated the event. There was a raffle throughout the night, with prizes such as gift cards to a variety of different restaurants or stores, as well as hats and Holy Cross water bottles. There were a lot of students who showed up, which was great! They also provided a lot of fun board games and Jenga.

This event allowed me to take a break from the stress of the end of the semester and enjoy time building community with other Holy Cross students. I have a lot of papers and projects due before and after Thanksgiving, and I definitely needed this reminder to slow down and enjoy life! This time of year is often stressful for Holy Cross students, but this event allowed me to remember to take care of myself. I felt grateful for the delicious food and good company, and I will definitely carry this mindset with me going forward through Thanksgiving break to the end of the semester.