There have been quite a few highlights of my study abroad experience over the last few weeks, but a top runner has got to be my family coming to visit me. I’m writing this blog as they are currently flying over the Atlantic Ocean back to Massachusetts. I won’t lie, I cried when they left, but I was so happy to have them here and to show them the life that I’ve been living while in Ireland.
The first two days we spent in Dublin and I brought them to all the classic touristy spots. Temple Bar, the EPIC Museum, the Church. We spent a lot of time exploring the streets and me acting like a tour guide who has lived in Dublin in her whole life. Or at least that’s what my parents were expecting because every other second was “what’s that building Jules?” or “what’s the history behind that statue Julianna?” I did my best to answer all of their questions, and even though I’m not a Dublin native, I really was surprised by everything I was able to tell them. I’ve learned so much more about the city than I even realized by just being here for a few months.
On Easter Sunday, we took a tour to the Wicklow Mountains and County Kilkenny, both of which I hadn’t had the chance to go to yet. It was so special to have my family with me for the holiday and to explore a new part of Ireland.
The next day we hopped on a second tour bus and traveled to the Cliffs of Moher. Even though I’ve been there already, I had to bring my family to see them. They’re also the kind of thing that will never get old, no matter the amount of times you go to look at them. The weather was even better this time around so our pictures came out great and I didn’t have to worry about getting blown into the ocean!
The tour bus brought us to the city of Galway after the Cliffs and my family and I spent the next two nights there. It was a short little getaway but we did a lot. Explored Galway, ventured to the town of Cong (where the movie The Quiet Man was filmed in 1952) as well as to Connemara where we toured the beautiful Kylemore Abbey.
I taught my family the ins and outs of the Irish railway system on our way back to Dublin from Galway and we spent our remaining time together in the city I’ve been calling home. One day my mom even came to all my classes with me! She was so thrilled to tag along and watch me live my little life. I brought her to my Victorian literature lecture as well as my archaeology class and we had lunch together in-between. She had a ball and I was so happy to share a mundane day in my life with her. All the while, my dad and brother were golfing along the Atlantic coast! I can’t say that I regret not joining them as I find golf to be wildly dull (sorry guys), but they claim to have had a blast.
All in all, I had the most wonderful week showing my family my life while abroad.
P.S. I can’t end this blog without at least giving a shoutout to my sister Sophia who came to visit me earlier in March during Holy Cross’ spring break. We had a fabulous time together too and she was very sad she couldn’t come for a second round with the rest of the family. Love you sista.