The last few weeks have ushed in a flurry of activities and events on campus as we all hunker down for the last weeks of studying. For me, the last few weeks have been filled with concerts, late-night studying, and a visit from my parents! In such a flurry of activity, it has been quite easy to ‘go’ without stopping, and without acknowledging that I’m just a week and a half away from having finished a full year here on the hill. In light of that, I wanted to dedicate this post to highlighting all the things I’ve done in the past weeks that I never would’ve imagined myself doing a year ago:
- I went to Clark University last weekend to perform in their arts showcase! It was so fun to pull out some old rep and just have fun performing solo for an audience, and to do a little improv with the dancers beforehand!
- I officially finished a YEAR of music theory courses (a major that, a year and a half ago, I had no intention of pursuing).
- I worked my first shift as a Kimball captain… (with only a few little messes)
- I went to a mini prom (Peter and Prom, a knockoff event of our usual Peter and Paul meetings).
- I somehow survived a year of college physics (an impressive feat, trust me).
- I said goodbye to my home for the year, Brooks — on to bigger (actually, smaller, but that doesn’t fit the saying) and better dorms!
peter & prom 🙂 last kimball shifts! the girls of peter & prom 🙂 pre-physics final!