Greetings from St Andrews


Thanks so much for making a pitstop to my blog. My name is Karen and I’ll be detailing my experiences at the University of St Andrews located in a small coastal town, Fife, in Scotland. To preface, I’m currently a third-year visual art history and international studies double major focusing on European conflict and resolution.

My hopes are that I treat this as a diary and brochure so you can enjoy quick guides, stories, sights and advice on life and academics at St Andrews. These include my favorite places to dine, bus rides into Edinburgh, academic families, golfing, the Pret monthly subscription, societies, balls, and the memorable friendships.

Initially, I was interested in the university and the UK for its highly regarded education. However, I ultimately chose Holy Cross for its study abroad program and the proximity to my hometown. As the semester concludes, I’ve been grateful for the chance to delve into a greater range of courses at the School of Art History and International Relations.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the application process, academic compatibility, or activities!



Snippet of St Andrews

St Salvator's Quad
Glimpse of St Salvator’s Quadrangle, surrounded are a few of the Schools. Off the road, you’ll be on the Scores heading towards the beaches.
East Sands
East Sands beach at sunset! I normally go on walks and collect seashells. In the distance you can see the ruins of St Andrews Cathedral.
St Mary's Library
St Mary’s library is my favorite place to study on an overcast day. Sometimes I run into Ester ’25 before class!!
St Andrews Harbour
Just the St Andrews harbour, another great location with a fish and chips restaurant located to the left. Ellen ’25 loves this place.

















Wardlaw Museum
If you ever come to visit, the campus has a few museums around town. One of which is Wardlaw with a balcony view of West Sands beach pictured here.
Kinnessburn River
The Kinnessburn River here sits right off the hall that Kelly ’25 and I reside at. There’s some ducks that live here and we always see them on our way home from Morrisons.










East Sands at Lowtide
East Sands beach at lowtide! There’s a coastal path and one that the hiking society takes frequently.
Edinburgh City View
Edinburgh is the main city centre about a 2 hour bus ride away from Fife. This was taken at the castle.