All members of the campus community (students, staff, administrators, faculty) are invited to submit a poem, which will be posted on a sign along a designated campus walking path. 23 eligible poems will be chosen by a selection committee.
Please consider the following Guidelines:
Choose a piece of music from Naxos Music Library and write a poem inspired by your selection.
Poems must be UNPUBLISHED works
Poems should be appropriate for all ages to enjoy
A digital version will be created for virtual enjoyment of the walk.
Longer poems (more than 20 lines) may be abbreviated or reformatted due to space constraints, but will be presented in whole with the digital version.
Library Services reserves the right/responsibility to determine eligibility.
Please submit your poem by February 24, 2023.
Use this form to submit your poem: by February 24, 2023.
Questions? Email Digital Scholarship Librarian Lisa Villa