50 Years of Feminism at Holy Cross

50 Years of Feminism at Holy Cross.  An exhibit on the history and efforts of the Women's Organizations at College of the Holy Cross.  Dinand Library Reading Room.  A group photo of women and other images from the exhibit are shown.

Stop by the Dinand Library Reading Room to see the 50 Years of Feminism at Holy Cross, a new exhibit from College of the Holy Cross Archives and Distinctive Collections highlighting the history and efforts of women’s organizations at the college. These organizations include The Women’s Organization, entering its 50th Anniversary this year, as well as the Women’s Forum and the Feminist Forum.

Exhibit will be on display Reunion Weekend in Dinand Library, Friday 6/9 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM and Saturday 6/10 from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Be sure to stop by to see this new exhibit and the Yearbook Display.

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