Celebrating Native Chemists and Encouraging More Native Talent in STEM

Cover artwork created by Lisa Vila, celebrating Native chemists.

We are thrilled to announce that the cover art on the recent issue of Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Volume 10, Issue 7, is the work of Lisa Villa, Digital Scholarship Librarian at Dinand Library, as part of the American Chemical Society’s Diversity and Inclusion Cover Art Series. Along with the cover art, Lisa had an accompanying editorial accepted which you can read here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00428

A display in our Science Library of works by the chemists featured on the cover is being planned. In response to having her work accepted and published, Lisa said, β€œIt is a testament to my Holy Cross liberal arts education that an English major-turned-librarian is published in a Chemistry journal.”