Celebrating Native Chemists and Encouraging More Native Talent in STEM

Cover artwork created by Lisa Vila, celebrating Native chemists.

We are thrilled to announce that the cover art on the recent issue of Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Volume 10, Issue 7, is the work of Lisa Villa, Digital Scholarship Librarian at Dinand Library, as part of the American Chemical Society’s Diversity and Inclusion Cover Art Series. Along with the cover art, Lisa had an accompanying editorial accepted which you can read here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00428

A display in our Science Library of works by the chemists featured on the cover is being planned. In response to having her work accepted and published, Lisa said, “It is a testament to my Holy Cross liberal arts education that an English major-turned-librarian is published in a Chemistry journal.”




Welcome Class of 2027!

Welcome Class of 2027!  A photo of the Main Reading Room of Dinand Library is shown.

We are excited to meet our new members of the Class of 2027! As Gateways Summer Orientation begins, we encourage you to visit our first-year guide to learn more about the Libraries: https://libguides.holycross.edu/welcome2hc





Juneteenth, 2023

Juneteenth Freedom Day. Holy Cross Libraries will be closed Monday, June 19, 2023 in celebration of the Juneteenth holiday.

Holy Cross Libraries will be closed Monday, June 19, 2023 in celebration of the Juneteenth holiday. Normal summer hours resume Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 8:30 am. To learn more about the history of this holiday that celebrates the emancipation of all enslaved people in the United States, visit the Libraries resource guide: https://libguides.holycross.edu/antiracism/juneteenth





50 Years of Feminism at Holy Cross

50 Years of Feminism at Holy Cross.  An exhibit on the history and efforts of the Women's Organizations at College of the Holy Cross.  Dinand Library Reading Room.  A group photo of women and other images from the exhibit are shown.

Stop by the Dinand Library Reading Room to see the 50 Years of Feminism at Holy Cross, a new exhibit from College of the Holy Cross Archives and Distinctive Collections highlighting the history and efforts of women’s organizations at the college. These organizations include The Women’s Organization, entering its 50th Anniversary this year, as well as the Women’s Forum and the Feminist Forum.

Exhibit will be on display Reunion Weekend in Dinand Library, Friday 6/9 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM and Saturday 6/10 from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Be sure to stop by to see this new exhibit and the Yearbook Display.

#HCArchives #HolyCross #ArchivistsofInstragram #Feminism #WomensOrganizations #Reunion





Take a Break at Dinand Library

Take a Break at Dinand Library Thursday, May 11, 2023 1 pm to 2 am, Room 101B

Stop by Room 101B of Dinand Library today, starting at 1:00 pm, to take a break from studying, and relax and recharge. There will be snacks, drinks, crafts, puzzles, and calm music and videos. Good luck on your finals!





Citation Frustration Stations Begin April 30

Got Citation Frustration, We've Got Drop-In Citation Help!

Drop-in with a librarian for help citing sources. The Writer’s Workshop will also be present during the dates marked with an asterisk (*). We can help you with any citation style, including Chicago, MLA, APA, ASA, and more! The Citation Frustration Stations will be held:

Sun. April 30, 6-8pm, Dinand 203 (hosted by PRC) *
Mon. May 1, 1-3pm, Swords Atrium
Wed. May 3, 5-7pm, Dinand/ZOOM
Thurs. May 4, 3-5pm, Dinand *
Sun. May 7, 5-7pm, Dinand/ZOOM *
Tues. May 9, 3-5pm, Dinand
Wed. May 10, 3-5pm, Dinand
Mon. May 15, 1-3pm, Dinand *

This event is open to members of the Holy Cross community. Zoom links will be posted in MyHC. We hope to see you there!





Campus Poetry Walk Poetry Reading

same text as post with decorative design of music notes coming out of a dandelion
We are pleased to share the talents of our campus community with a selection that includes works by students, staff and faculty.

You are cordially invited to a poetry reading from the 2023 Campus Poetry Walk on Friday, April 28 at 3pm on the Dinand Patio (rain location: Levis Browsing Room).

Come enjoy poetry readings by the authors, music that inspired them, and some light refreshments.