Holy Cross Libraries Easter Break Hours

The schedule with a background of Easter eggs.

The Libraries will observe special hours for Easter Break, beginning Wednesday, April 5, 2023. For more information on the building hours, visit: https://holycross.libcal.com/hours
All electronic resources, including our databases and e-books, will be available during this time.





Campus Poetry Walk 2023

Spring 2023 Campus Poetry Walk The Music of Words

Celebrate #NationalPoetryMonth by following the scenic path on campus that highlights original poetry by members of the Holy Cross community. Scan the QR code to access the poetry walk map and join us on April 28, 2023 at 3:00 pm on the Dinand Patio for poetry readings, refreshments, and snacks. The Poetry Walk will be on display through April 30, 2023. Map and poems are also available online at: https://crossworks.holycross.edu/poetry2023





Upcoming “Authors on the Hill” Lecture Series

Orange block containing text about event, a crowded Asian street scene, and cover art for the book "Monkey in Residence & Other Speculations" which has a purple monkey on orange background.

The Holy Cross Libraries are pleased to host Xu Xi, Jenks Chair in Contemporary Letters, for the “Authors on the Hill” lecture series.
Join us Tuesday, March 21 at 4:30 pm in the Browsing Room, Dinand Library.
Xu Xi will present her recently published book “Monkey in Residence & Other Speculations.”
This event will also be live-streamed. Register at https://tinyurl.com/AOTH-xi. For more information, please contact Digital Scholarship Librarian Lisa Villa at: lvilla@holycross.edu





Spring Break Schedule

Please go to https://www.holycross.edu/holy-cross-libraries/holy-cross-libraries-hours for the full schedule.

Spring Break hours begin tomorrow at the Holy Cross Libraries. For the full schedule, please visit the Libraries Hours page at https://www.holycross.edu/holy-cross-libraries/holy-cross-libraries-hours
Enjoy the break! 🌷





2023 Campus Poetry Walk

Submit a poem to the Campus Poetry Walk.  Deadline: February 24.  The gate and entrance to Holy Cross are in the background.

All members of the campus community (students, staff, administrators, faculty) are invited to submit a poem, which will be posted on a sign along a designated campus walking path. 23 eligible poems will be chosen by a selection committee.
Please consider the following Guidelines:
Choose a piece of music from Naxos Music Library and write a poem inspired by your selection.
Poems must be UNPUBLISHED works
Poems should be appropriate for all ages to enjoy
A digital version will be created for virtual enjoyment of the walk.
Longer poems (more than 20 lines) may be abbreviated or reformatted due to space constraints, but will be presented in whole with the digital version.
Library Services reserves the right/responsibility to determine eligibility.

Please submit your poem by February 24, 2023.

Use this form to submit your poem: https://forms.gle/VC4Mc9r3NjrYKG436 by February 24, 2023.
Questions? Email Digital Scholarship Librarian Lisa Villa lvilla@holycross.edu

Holy Cross Libraries Hours Update

Holy Cross Libraries Hours January 21 - January 24

The Dinand, Music and Science Libraries will be closed this weekend, January 21 and 22. Each library will have special hours Monday, January 23 with our Academic Year hours beginning for all the libraries on Tuesday, January 24. Find the full schedule at: https://www.holycross.edu/holy-cross-libraries/holy-cross-libraries-hours
We wish everyone a good start to the semester!





Take a Break at Dinand Library

Take a Break at Dinand Library, Wednesday, December 14, 2022, 10 am to 5 pm, Room 101B, snacks, tea and cocoa, crafts, puzzles, calm music, space to relax.  Holy Cross Libraries and The Counseling Center.

Stop by the conference room (room 101B) of Dinand Library on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm to take a break from studying and relax and recharge. There will be snacks, warm drinks, crafts, puzzles, and calm music and videos. Good luck on your finals!





Citation Frustration Stations Begin December 4th

Drop-In Citation Help, In-Person & Zoom Dates

Drop-in with a librarian for help citing sources. The Writer’s Workshop will also be present during the dates marked with an asterisk (*). We can help you with any citation style, including Chicago, MLA, APA, ASA, and more! The Citation Frustration Stations will be held:

Sun, Dec 4, 8-10pm, Dinand 203 hosted by Peer Consultant
Thurs, Dec 8, 1-3pm, Swords Atrium
Fri, Dec 9, 10am-12pm, Cool Beans
Sun, Dec 11, 7-9pm, Dinand Lobby/ZOOM
Mon, Dec 12, 1-3pm*, Cool Beans
Wed, Dec 14, 10am-12pm*, Dinand Lobby
Wed, Dec 14, 6pm-8pm*, ZOOM
Thurs, Dec 15, 2pm-4pm*, Dinand Lobby

This event is open to members of the Holy Cross community. Zoom links will be posted in MyHC. We hope to see you there!