Drop-in with a librarian for help citing sources. The Writer’s Workshop will also be present during the dates marked with an asterisk (*). We can help you with any citation style, including Chicago, MLA, APA, ASA, and more! The Citation Frustration Stations will be held:
Sun, Dec 4, 8-10pm, Dinand 203 hosted by Peer Consultant
Thurs, Dec 8, 1-3pm, Swords Atrium
Fri, Dec 9, 10am-12pm, Cool Beans
Sun, Dec 11, 7-9pm, Dinand Lobby/ZOOM
Mon, Dec 12, 1-3pm*, Cool Beans
Wed, Dec 14, 10am-12pm*, Dinand Lobby
Wed, Dec 14, 6pm-8pm*, ZOOM
Thurs, Dec 15, 2pm-4pm*, Dinand Lobby
This event is open to members of the Holy Cross community. Zoom links will be posted in MyHC. We hope to see you there!