Welcome back everyone!! After a relaxing and enjoyable summer spent with family and friends, it feels hard to believe that it is already mid-September and the leaves on O’Kane and Fenwick Halls are preparing for their gorgeous autumnal transformation.
When I first moved into my new dorm in Loyola Hall almost four weeks ago, I was greeted by so many of my friends, who were all so enthusiastic about my arrival and willing to help me unpack, despite having other campus commitments at the time. I was instantly reunited not only with such amazing friends, but with the unforgettable Holy Cross community that had drawn me to the Hill in the first place. Within no time, we were back attending masses, hanging out in our dorms, going to the gym (this is a new development, stay tuned) or laughing at Kimball family dinners together. We even attended a Woo Sox game at Polar Park early in the semester, and while I cannot tell you what happened during the actual game, I can tell you that just being outside and spending that time with such great friends was a blast in itself.
And of course, we’ve been showing off our Purple Pride in the sports stands, too! We cheered on the Holy Cross football team as they won against Merrimack and during the rain delay against Boston College. This weekend is the annual homecoming football game, and I’m hoping the Crusaders can pull out another win against Colgate!
In terms of academics, I’ve found this semester’s lineup to be an exciting yet challenging journey thus far. A highlight is definitely my Worlds of C.S. Lewis class, where we are examining Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia through a religious lens, accompanied by a variety of Lewis’ other texts. I am also continuing to work through the English major with studies centered around Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson and Frederick Douglass, to name a few.
Finally, while I was eager to reconnect with the people and organizations that I discovered last year, I also wanted to take advantage of new extracurricular opportunities this year on the Hill. Last weekend, I signed up for many new clubs at the Co-Curricular Extravaganza, and even stepped out of my comfort zone and tried out for the dance ensemble earlier this month! As a girlie with very little dance experience, I was a little worried at first, but I am so glad that I pushed past my doubt and did it anyways! The experience so far has been fantastic, and I am so thankful for the dance community that has welcomed me with open arms.
If I were to leave you with one thing as I close out this entry, it would be to embrace newness. Cherish what is already there – the memories made, the friendships formed – but don’t be afraid of what’s next. Throw yourself into the year, and enjoy all that is to come!