With the last home football game being this weekend, it’s crazy to think we are wrapping up the season. Football is honestly such a big thing at Holy Cross and one of the reasons I chose the school. I loved how it seemed like all the alumni bleed purple and how everyone gets excited for the games. They give me something to look forward to during the week and are a great way to see all your friends. Even on rainy days, Holy Cross students and alumni show up ready to watch the game and tailgate. On family weekend this year, it was basically a downpour. Still, Holy Cross handed out ponchos and everyone trudged through the mud to the tailgate. It goes to show how much love there is for this school and the commitment people have to their purple pride. I always enjoy seeing alumni families with their little children all dressed up in purple.

As a freshman, I found tailgating a little overwhelming. I wasn’t the biggest fan of football and was mostly there to socialize rather than watch the game; however, that can be hard when you’re still getting to know people. As time goes on, it will be hard to see someone you don’t know. My first weekend back this year was a home football game and it was so much fun. I naturally spent half the game at the tailgate talking to my friends and eating yummy food, but once I went into the game, I had more fun watching how excited people get watching the game than watching the actual game myself. I do have to say though, I definitely get more into football and understand it more now that I’m at Holy Cross than I ever did.