Hi everyone!. My assignment (and I’ll skip the lame "should I choose to accept it" Mission Impossible allusion) is to introduce myself to you.
I grew up and went to high school in Western Massachusetts. I’m not a Holy Cross alum, but some of my most caring, intelligent and interesting friends are. They influenced my decision to join the Holy Cross Admissions Staff, and three years later I have no regrets about that choice.
My favorite admissions responsibilities include reading the applications that you’re currently, or soon will be, slaving over (Though you may not have fun filling them out, yes, we do actually like reading them.) and acting as co-commissioner of the Admissions’ summer bocce league (the sport of champions :-).
When not reading essays or refereeing bocce games, I enjoy watching Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch, though I admit that because each episode bears a remarkable resemblance to every other episode, I’m sure I’ve seen some of them numerous times and never noticed. I also enjoy hanging out with my betta fish, Jann (pronounced yawn) and Bjorn, who like reality television too, but don’t like shows about fishermen.
In the near future, I look forward to sharing a story or two from the road—my travel territories include Atlanta, the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, and Chicago proper. If you live in those areas be on the look out for me at college fairs or high school visits. Perhaps we’ll see each other this fall.
Kelli J. Powell
Assistant Director of Admissions