Fall is a special time of year for many, with days of apple picking, leaf peeping, pumpkin carving, and football cheering. For Holy Cross students, the season is filled with all sorts of fun events. I asked the social media interns about some of their favorite fall things on the Hill, and here it what they said!

Mackenzie: Fall at Holy Cross is one of the most beautiful seasons on the hill…during this time of the year, the ivy on the buildings begins to change colors and the campus is truly transformed. One of my favorite fall traditions at Holy Cross is Harvest Fest at Kimball. One evening at the beginning of fall, the dining hall has all kinds of seasonal treats such as apple cider (both hot and cold!), candy apples, cupcakes, and cookies (decorated for fall, of course). It is a night that students surely do not want to miss!

Madison: Freshman year my friends and I were characters from Toy Story which was my favorite costume! We had all the main characters, and made most of our own costumes. We even had one of our friends be the toy horse! My friend and I were the Slinky Dog and stayed attached for the entire night with a wire connecting the two of us! I am excited to see what we come up with this year!