by Catherine Phelan, ’18

Winter is here on the hill! For Holy Cross students this season is filled with fun activities. As a sophomore on campus, I am excited for the events that will take place this winter. One of my favorite activities took place last week on December 3rd. The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony is hosted by the Purple Key Society here on campus. There are tables with cookies, hot chocolate, and coffee to get all of us in the holiday spirit.
This year my friends and I headed to the O’Kane porch and where we were greeted with carolers and joyful Christmas music. The Holy Cross Marching Band performed various Christmas songs and the Holy Cross Chamber Choir sang. Santa also made a guest appearance! Many students, faculty, and members of the Worcester community took pictures with him. While the different groups sang, my friends and I created some homemade cards for American soldiers abroad. The crowd sang along with the Nativity School of Worcester’s performers.
One of my friends is in the acapella group Fools on the Hill and it was great to see her group perform. After choir sang Silent Night, a prayer was said, the tree was blessed, and then there was light!

The tree was lit and the nativity scene was glowing under the lights. This is one of my favorite winter activities because it brings together the Worcester community and the students of Holy Cross. There is a sense of unity as we all sing along to the songs we all know and it gets us all into the holiday spirit.
I am also looking forward to the following holiday activities:
‘Tis The Season: Holy Cross Dining from Dec. 7-11 welcomes winter with a variety of our favorite seasonal flavors. Visit any Holy Cross Dining location to celebrate with us.
Holiday Decorating Contest: Inter-House Council celebrates the Holiday season with their annual Hall Decorating Contest. The event will be judged by a team of faculty and administrators!
Winter Weekend Carnival: On December 12th students can take a study break and come to Crossroads for CAB’s annual Winter Weekend Carnival, featuring stuff your own bears, festive holiday treats, your favorite holiday music, and much more!
Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols: On December 10th the College Choirs and Chamber Orchestra in collaboration with the chaplain’s office present the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols, a Holy Cross classic. The evening features nine biblical readings that tell the Advent and Christmas story, anthems by the choir and orchestra that will illuminate the readings, and carol singing.