Sader Summer Scoop: Milagros Montenegro ’18




Name: Milagros Montenegro

Major/Minor/Concentration: Sociology

Graduation Year: 2018

What are you doing this summer?: Internship





What exactly are you doing?: Research Assistant for Field Research Gallo-Cruz Worcester Women’s Activist

How did you hear about this opportunity?: Professor Gallo-Cruz

What are you most excited about doing within this program?: Placing my understanding of sociology into application.

What are you hoping to gain from your experience?: Learning more about the Worcester community through the stories of its women.

Do you have any advice for prospective students thinking about doing an internship?: Do what sounds exciting and challenging both academically and personally, that’s the only way you will grow as a student/person in the next four years.

When you were in high school, did you expect to have this opportunity in college?:No, but I am extremely fortunate and excited for it.


Interviewee Pastor Judy and she runs the LGBT Asylum Seekers Task Force here in Worcester.