Many people understand that Holy Cross students are hard-working, but know how to have a good time, inside and outside of the classroom. So, who needs an excuse to attend a dance with their friends? I certainly don’t! When we returned to campus for the spring semester, the Class of 2025 student officers announced that they would be throwing a Winter Formal exclusively for the sophomore class. This was timely because this is the last semester we will all be on campus together because some of us go abroad (me!) or participate in the DC program.

With this in mind, we bought our tickets and picked out the nicest dresses we had in our dorms. Not to mention that we were the best dressed. (We can “argue” about this at a later date…) The impromptu dance was held in the Hogan Ballroom, so it certainly was an intimate experience for the majority of our class who attended.
When we weren’t tearing up the dance floor, we were going around to friends, some we haven’t seen in a while, and others we just met this semester. It was a wonderful experience for all of us to be together, especially during a stressful time in our academic lives. We are grateful to our Student Government for organizing such a fun event.