Congratulations to the members of Team 4!
This winning team presented a business plan for a company they named “PoolA Palooza.”
This service would allow inground pool owners to utilize the area of their pool during the fall, winter and spring months by installing a safe and effective covering system. Their cheery slogan “Take back your backyard” concluded a very professional presentation.
Our panel of distinguished alum declared them the winners, with a 3-way tie for second place. They announced that all of the teams presented very innovative, creative, and organized proposals.
The week wrapped up nicely with a closing banquet, where students could relax and interact with our panel of mock “venture capitalists,” and murmurs of applying to the Summer Business Program passed throughout the room.
The only questions left is: How do you want to return from your Spring Break next year – Sunburnt or Successful?
Kaithlyn Kayer
Associate Director, Entrepreneurial Studies
David Chu
Director, Entrepreneurial Studies & Pre-business Advisor