Business Certificate Presentation Tips and Tricks


Mackenzie Madden ’22 pursuing the Business Fundamentals Certificate through the Ciocca Center for Business, ethics, and Society at the College, shares how her workshop experience has provided her with countless opportunities to practice presenting in front of an audience. Read on to learn her tricks to a successful presentation! 

From the Fullbridge Program to Marketing Communications & Sales to the Global Supply Chain workshop, I’ve had different audiences and presentation goals, worked with different teams, and created a variety of different presentations, all while keeping the same tips in mind.  Continue reading “Business Certificate Presentation Tips and Tricks”

College Street Journal Launches Student Business Newspaper

newspaper on chair

In the fall of 2021, the College Street Journal was born.  “I set out to start CSJ as a platform for all things business here at Holy Cross” shares Robert Posillico ’23, founder and editor in chief. “We cover current news and internship opportunities as well as offer a space for career development advice, alumni interviews, and professor editorials.”

The College has a few newspapers in circulation, namely the Spire, Fenwick  Review, and History on the Hill, making the College Street Journal an all-in-one news source for students seeking to learn more about business and better position themselves for these career opportunities.

Posillico shares his thoughts on the project in the Letter from the Editor section on the front page of the first edition. Continue reading “College Street Journal Launches Student Business Newspaper”

Ciocca Intern: JP Cunningham ’23

My name is JP Cunningham ‘23 and I am a junior at Holy Cross majoring in International Studies, with a thematic focus of International Political Economy and a regional focus of Europe. I am also in the process of pursuing my Certificate in Business Fundamentals, having completed the Excel Tutorial and the Fullbridge Program and Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) workshop.  So far, my experience with the Ciocca Center has been very enlightening in helping me gain real-world business experience. For example, the Fullbridge Professional Edge Program was a very exciting, fast-paced workshop that allowed me to put myself in a realistic office-like environment and work with a team on a growth opportunity for a specific company.  In addition, the GSCM workshop provided an in-depth look at the many components of the global supply chain as well as the opportunities to meet with different supply chain managers, including a site visit to the Polar Beverages manufacturing warehouse right here in Worcester. This workshop was very interesting given the many complexities and relevant issues within the supply chain in today’s post-pandemic climate.

Through the Academic Internship Program, I am taking the course Sports Marketing & Sponsorship with Dr. Robert Prior while I am interning in the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, & Society for the internship requirement. Throughout the semester, I will be conducting interviews with alumni to shed light on their various career paths and stories throughout their professional careers while tying the liberal arts to the business world. I think this will be a great opportunity for me to explore different fields of business and expand on different skills. I am hoping to get my foot in the door of the business and finance world in the coming months and am excited to see where this unique opportunity takes me. 

JP Cunningham ’23 interviewed several alumni for the internship:

Experiential Learning at Holy Cross


My name is Mackenzie Madden and I am a senior economics and psychology double major participating in the Business Fundamentals Certificate Program here at Holy Cross. Through my time at Holy Cross and through the Ciocca Center, I have felt the power of a liberal arts education while understanding the ways this type of education prepares students for business roles. I am actively searching for jobs within finance and consulting before graduating this spring.  I am confident that I will be ready to work these jobs after the preparation the Ciocca Center has provided for me. From Fullbridge to the Global Supply Chain workshop to job shadowing and internship opportunities, the Ciocca Center has ensured that all students are exposed to business industries early on in their college career and gain exposure to the alumni network. Continue reading “Experiential Learning at Holy Cross”

Summer Internship Series: Alumni Connections in the Workplace

Last week my PepsiCo summer internship came to a close. After spending ten weeks cultivating a sales growth strategy plan for Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, I had the opportunity to present my recommendations to an audience of senior leaders at both PepsiCo and Bundaberg. It was honestly such a blast to show off my knowledge of the brand and my newly developed sales skills! While I’m confident that I added value to the Allied Brands Team with my project work, I wanted to use this blog post to reflect on the impact this internship had on me. More specifically, I want to highlight some of my key takeaways about business, sales, and PepsiCo. Continue reading “Summer Internship Series: Alumni Connections in the Workplace”

Summer Internship Series: Reflecting on Certificate Experience

Caroline Quinn ’22 is pursuing the Certificate in Business Fundamentals and is checking off the internship requirement this summer.  Follow along as she reflects on her experience, lessons learned, and how her liberal arts education and Holy Cross network are helping her along the way.

Summer Series: Part One

I’m in the midst of my ten-week-long internship as a Sales Strategist with PepsiCo, and I’m happy to say that my experience thus far has been extremely captivating and enriching despite it being 100% virtual. For starters, I’m working on the Allied Brands Team which focuses on PepsiCo’s partners (like Ocean Spray and Voss Water) who independently produce/manufacture their products and then distribute/sell through PepsiCo. This is a symbiotic relationship with this arrangement because the Allied Brands benefit from PepsiCo’s nationwide presence and reach, and PepsiCo benefits from selling products that it doesn’t produce or typically sell. My particular project is oriented around an Allied Brand called Bundaberg Brewed Drinks. Before PepsiCo partnered with Bundaberg in 2017, it had never sold a craft soda. But now, PepsiCo is highly competitive in that market because of this partnership. Bundaberg’s top-selling product is ginger beer which is a premium, non-alcoholic, craft soda that is commonly used as a mixer. Regarding my project, I’ve been tasked with creating a feasible strategy to grow Bundaberg sales by 4X in the US. While this is a tall order, I am confident that I am putting together a really great pitch that I’ll present at the end of my internship. Much of my confidence can be attributed to the Ciocca Center and Holy Cross as a whole.  Continue reading “Summer Internship Series: Reflecting on Certificate Experience”

Business and the History Major

History on the Hill

“History on the Hill is a new Holy Cross newsletter published by History majors in order to highlight the range of work, experience, and reflections of history majors. It supplements the existing student-run journal, Of Life and History: The Undergraduate History Journal of the College of the Holy Cross. Professor Rupakheti, who played a pivotal role in initiating the journal, is also shepherding this new project. But, unlike the journal, History on the Hill is run by first-year and second-year students. We hope it provides opportunities for history majors to share their experience, knowledge, and reflection on various facets of their academic and non-academic life as history majors. At the same time, we also see this project serving as an information resource for the prospective majors.” – Mission statement from the first edition of the newsletter, written by Dennis Liu ’22 and Holly Tente ’23. Continue reading “Business and the History Major”

Think Like an Actress at the 16th Annual Women in Business Conference


The sixteenth annual Women in Business Conference will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2021.  The student planning committee is hard at work identifying alumnae speakers, clarifying what exactly a hybrid conference looks like, and the exciting ways to engage students and alumnae from various industries and career stages. We are thrilled to be offering this year’s conference in a hybrid format to maintain the exciting geographical reach of the 2020 virtual conference as well as welcome those interested in joining us in person on the hill.

What can you look forward to? Read on for exciting announcements about the fall Women in Business conference!  Continue reading “Think Like an Actress at the 16th Annual Women in Business Conference”

Women in Business Committee Thanks Senior Leadership

WIB senior headshots

Many thanks to our graduating seniors for their strong leadership through the transition to virtual and for celebrating the 15th annual conference with such success.  When asked to reflect on their four years on the hill, our Women in Business Conference committee seniors shared dorm memories, favorite Kimball meals and most memorable professors/courses.  Please join us in thanking and congratulating our graduating committee members! From left to right: Margaret Anderson ’21,  Grace Ingram ’21 & Nalani Ramos Ruiz ’21. We wish them all the successes and happiness as they transition to the next phase, and hope to welcome them back for future conferences! Continue reading “Women in Business Committee Thanks Senior Leadership”

Ciocca Center Graduates Business Certificate Program Students

61 students at the College of the Holy Cross completed the Business Certificate Program through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society.

We are proud of the hard work these students have done and their commitment to completing the Business Certificate Programs offered through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society.  The liberal arts education is complemented by the experiences and skills gained through the  Business Certificate Program and an excellent opportunity to connect with the alumni presenters.  Each student received a pin to wear on graduation day as well as an official certificate noting this achievement.

Graduating during a pandemic is an added hurdle to securing a full-time position.  We encourage all participants to stay positive and connected with the Holy Cross alumni network, faculty and staff, particularly the Center for Career Development. We are all here to help students succeed and are available as resources for you.  Congratulations!

Read more to see a list of students and Business Certificate Programs. Continue reading “Ciocca Center Graduates Business Certificate Program Students”