New Student Diversity Liaison Shares Outreach Strategy

Hello! My name is Holly Tente and I’m from Rumford, Rhode Island. I study History and Film at the College of the Holy Cross. In addition to my academics I am highly involved in different organizations across campus. I am a tour guide for the Admissions Office, a participant in ACT, and a co-editor for the History department’s newsletter History on the Hill. My most exciting endeavor recently has been working towards completing the Certificate in Business Fundamentals offered through Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society. This work has brought me to my current position as a Student Diversity Liaison for the Center.

This role is incredibly important to me because I truly believe in the importance of graduating with exposure to the world of business. Networking, Emotional IQ, and communication skills are all necessary when entering the workforce. Every industry has become evermore competitive due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the Ciocca Center has been able to form a curriculum so that every student at Holy Cross can benefit and be prepared to enter the real world. I am definitely not a traditional business student. In fact, I plan on entering the film industry in order to work on documentaries. As this work is not always stable, I recognized that I should expand my knowledge of the world of business. The Certificate in Business Fundamentals has helped me to polish my resume, LinkedIn, interview prep skills, and so much more.

“Everyone deserves the opportunity to explore the world of business. As a Holy Cross student who is taking an unconventional approach to their academics, I want to help students become aware of the offerings within the Ciocca Center.”

As a Student Diversity Liaison, I plan on sharing my story so that students across departments, sports teams, RSOs, MSOs, and class years can recognize that it is possible to learn about business while on the Hill. My position will give me the opportunity to serve as an advisor to students that are considering opportunities to gain technical business skills through the Ciocca Center.  During my time in this role, I hope to use my creativity to engage students in all aspects of the Holy Cross community through advertisements and interactive opportunities. I am looking forward to helping students and proving why everyone should consider adding business to their academics!

Student Spotlight: Nick Bettenhauser ’24

Nick Bettenhauser ’24 participated in several of the J-Term business workshops offered by the Ciocca Center towards completion of the Certificate in Business Fundamentals. 

In a recent article published by The Spire, he commented that “my favorite one was Fullbridge. It started out learning the ins and outs of business including learning some calculations and definitions. My favorite part was when we were assigned a company and a group. We were to research the company, find a problem, and propose a solution. My group was assigned to Diadora, an Italian sportswear company. Being a small company our group had a hard time obtaining the financial information needed to assess Diadora but our hard work turned into some great results as we had a very successful presentation to the judges. It felt like a virtual Shark Tank.”

Read more on The Spire: A First Year’s Look at Ciocca Center’s J-Term Programs.

Student Spotlight: Emma Grayeb ’24

Name: Emma Grayeb
Class: 2024
Major: Economics & Anthropology
Certificate: Finance & Banking Certificate
Hometown: Darien, CT

  • Which Business Certificate Program are you planning to pursue? 

I am planning on pursuing the Finance and Banking Certificate.

  • Which Business Certificate Program workshop experience was the most impactful and why? 

Personally, I think that the most impactful workshop experience for me was the Corporate Finance and Banking workshop. One of the activities that we did was read and analyze a case study, which allowed me a glimpse of what private equity investors have to do as a part of their job.  I have not done the Fullbridge program yet. I plan to accomplish this my sophomore year.

  • Do you believe your experience with Fullbridge and the workshops will help you be prepared for the business world?

I think that the workshops have helped prepare me. I would say that the alumni who come speak to us about their experiences in the business world provide incredibly valuable insight.

  • If a prospective student was visiting Holy Cross and asked you about the Ciocca Center’s certificate programs, what would you tell them?

I would tell them to absolutely get involved in one of the certificate programs. Not only does it increase knowledge of business concepts and jobs, but it also is a great opportunity to connect with Holy Cross alumni.

In addition to the Certificate in Finance & Banking workshops, Emma also attended the 15th annual Women in Business conference held in November 2020.  Following this conference, she applied and was accepted to join the WIB planning committee as a freshman.  The Ciocca Center is thrilled with Emma’s level of engagement, enthusiasm, and drive.  We look forward to working with you over the next few years!

Ciocca Center Reaches International Audience Over J-Term

With COVID19 came a revised academic schedule which changed the opportunity for the Ciocca Center to offer workshops during the semester.  The new January term over winter break became the opportune time for programming and the Ciocca Center did not disappoint.

Nine workshops during the month of January attracted 125 alumni from around the world and  200+ students from all four class years.  Many of the students participated in more than one opportunity as they worked towards Business Certificate Program completion.  The virtual program list included everything from Corporate Finance & Banking to Global Supply Chain Management, a Women in Business alumna speaker, and a month-long Excel Tutorial.

From Oregon to South Carolina, Europe, China, and India, alumni and students were able to connect with fellow Crusaders online.  This expansion of alumni who might not normally have been able to participate in person increased the wealth of knowledge and expertise within the already robust Holy Cross network. “One perk of the virtual world we are living in” as Connor Fitzgerald ’16 shares after presenting during the Marketing Communications & Sales workshop, “is getting to present to some awesome Holy Cross students all the way from Nashville, TN!”  Gathering the Holy Cross network often creates a sense of community, something we are all looking for during times of social distancing.

Of the many workshops,  the Ciocca Center in partnership with the Office of Sustainability, offered a new three-week opportunity, the Pothos Project, for students interested in consulting. Fourteen students divided among three teams using a B-Corp assessment provided suggestions for how the Lobby Shop at Holy Cross could be more sustainable.   The pilot program included alumni mentors as well as campus partners, an opportunity that integrated Conference Services into the co-curricular programs and provided students with a real-world consulting experience.  “What a cool opportunity! I absolutely loved working on this project”  shares Katelyn Cody ’22, who goes on to describe the work as having  “real-world impact.”


Annual Info Session with Bonus Virtual Club Fair

On a warm Tuesday night in early September (9/8/20), over 130 students registered for a virtual version of the annual Business Program Info Session, with a bonus business club fair! Professor David Chu and Professor Kendy Hess, co-directors of the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at the College of the Holy Cross, shared an overview of the opportunities for students to connect their liberal arts education to the business world.

“Three out of four Holy Cross alumni, that’s 75%, currently work in business roles.” shares Prof. David Chu.

Watch the five-minute video to recap the multiple pathways to business, including the Business Certificate Programs and the minor in Business, Ethics, and Society. Continue reading “Annual Info Session with Bonus Virtual Club Fair”

The Summer of Entrepreneurship …and Beyond!

What does it take to launch a startup and keep it running? Students had two opportunities during summer 2020 to explore the step-by-step process of starting a business and the strength of businesses that develop strategies and innovate. “Our Entrepreneurship workshop starts where every business should start: with building you as a leader and cultivating your skillset,” shares Ja-Naé Duane, entrepreneur-in-residence at Holy Cross.  “From there, we dive into the factors that impact starting a business and showcase stories of businesses to illustrate that there is no one way to start or grow a business.”

If you’re interested in pursuing the Certificate in Entrepreneurship, both of the following workshops count so consider registering for a future offering!

Continue reading “The Summer of Entrepreneurship …and Beyond!”

Holy Cross Student Summer: Ramses Taveras ’22

The Business Certificate Programs through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at Holy Cross provide students with technical skills and experience.  Building a resume that speaks to your career interest, no matter your major, gives you relevant talking points in an interview.

“I  believe that Holy Cross has given me the skills to adapt to this new environment and be able to learn quickly and effectively. Not only that, but the College instills a strong work ethic among students, which is something I am definitely grateful for. I believe that Holy Cross has really given me a foundation in how to think and learn, even in what at first might be an uncomfortable, unknown environment.” – Ramses Taversas ’22


Ciocca Center Announces Virtual Summer Opportunities

Holy Cross hat worn on student.

The Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society has been an important partner in helping students to stay ahead of the consequences caused by the pandemic.  There have been many unexpected twists and turns leaving students unsure of Certificate Program progress, summer internship plans and what to expect this fall when classes resume.  The Ciocca Center has partnered with various Holy Cross offices to try to mitigate some of these new realities with additional funding and new opportunities.

Read on to see what’s happening and get involved! Continue reading “Ciocca Center Announces Virtual Summer Opportunities”

Student Investment Fund Presents Nationally

HCSIF Event Timeline


When you can’t take your annual trip to NYC you take advantage of the option to invite more alumni to your virtual presentation.  This is exactly what the Holy Cross Student Investment Fund did on Monday, May 3, 2020.

Prof. David Chu, director of certificate programs, and Cassie Gevry, associate director of the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at Holy Cross, opened the webinar with a warm welcome.  Maggie Burd ’20, Jack McConville ’20 and Jack Boyd ’21 then took center stage to speak with over twenty alumni based in Boston, NYC, Chicago, and the San Francisco bay area. They started out with the timeline of events and competitions they participated in over the year, shared the resources they have received through generous alumni donations, discussed how they plan to grow and diversify the student club, as well as thanked the founders – Andrew Smith ’19 and Sean Manning ’19. Closing the webinar, Prof. Chu moderated alumni questions for the students to answer.

We are excited to work with the next line up of HCSIF executives: Jack Boyd ’21, Liam Busconi ’21, LJ Foley ’21 and Hayden Ivatts ’21.   Many thanks to our graduating seniors, we hope you will return as alumni to share your experiences and help current students explore the finance industry.



Ciocca Center Provides Multiple Pathways to Business

The Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society takes business programs at Holy Cross to the next level giving students multiple pathways to study business at the College. “Before, we emphasized that students could ‘major in anything, succeed in business,’ but we only offered the one pathway, the co-curricular certificate of readiness through COES,” says David Chu, the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society’s director of certificate programs and prebusiness advisor. “Now, we are going to give students multiple pathways to learn about business.”

In addition to the technical skill building Certificate in Business Fundamentals and Certificate in Entrepreneurship, the College has recently developed a new interdisciplinary minor in business, ethics, and society. The minor draws on a range of liberal arts disciplines to help students develop historical, economic, political and philosophical perspectives on the world of business, while exploring overarching questions about the role of business in a just society. In addition to this coursework, students in the minor will complete an internship and participate in relevant workshops offered through the Ciocca Center.

Read the full story on the Holy Cross news site.