‘Tis the season for a Holy Cross Christmas! With the semester finally finished and the holiday season upon us, it’s always so delightful to see what Holy Cross is doing for the holidays. As a sophomore on the Hill, I’ve gotten more comfortable with everything that goes on during this season, and I already had an idea of what I wanted to come back to from last year.

First on the list was the Annual Christmas Tree Lightning in front of O’Kane. During such a stressful time as a student, it’s always so special to come together as a campus to listen to our acapella and music groups perform our favorite holiday tunes and warm up with some hot chocolate and cookies while we wait for the beautiful lighting. After anticipation built up, we all came together in prayer with our hopes going into the end of the year and blessed the tree lighting. As always, it was beautifully done.
If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you know how fond I am of the new Prior Performing Arts Center. After spending a lot more time in the center, I can confidently say that it does not disappoint. It certainly is another lovely study spot and remarkable facility for the arts. Like many spots on campus, there were stunning Christmas trees in the “beehive.” During the last week of classes, my friends and I would come for the delicious pastries and hot chocolate they had out for students, faculty, and staff. This was so thoughtful to bring so many together during such a busy time. And, of course, it was absolutely scrumptious!

While there are several other happenings for the holidays on campus, I’d love to highlight a glimpse of the Winter Wonderland in our very own city of Worcester. As you might understand, I love going to the Worcester Art Museum, and it would not be a Holy Cross semester without at least one visit. When I went to the WAM in December, it was completely decked out in holiday decor. Each christmas tree had different decorations, which was fitting for a museum with such a diverse collection of art. I personally loved it!
It’s always such a magical time at Holy Cross, especially when you’re with people you love. From me to you, I hope you have a special holiday season filled with lots of love and happiness. I’m sure you’ll hear from me one more time before the new year, but if you don’t have a happy and healthy new year! Looking forward to what’s to come in 2023! As always, I’ll keep you updated on this blog!
PS. If you’re into the Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel, here’s an opinion article I wrote for Holy Cross’ student newspaper, The Spire, on one of their newest movies: A Holiday Spectacular.